Good afternoon everyone.
Today was for getting to know the woman next door, by inviting her and A member off the Leviaan health care staff for coffee and home made oatmeal applepie. I had three slices left from A baking, and I decided to invite my neighbour. She's not very populair in our neighbourhood, she's known for being unreliable and dangerous, (She's known for taking profit off people) yet she comes off very cheerfull and friendly. So I decided to not take on this on my own, and simply invite some back support (Who was gladly to take my invitation as she's always fond off my bakings and loves to volunteer when it comes to that) to help me with this.
The fellow client I invited is an elderly lady in her sixties with short grey hair and glasses.
My neighbour has asked me a few times to invite her, so I did yesterday. She didn't extremely misbehave, she was actually kind and we had chit-chat talks like neighbours do, yet I believe we don't have much off A connection on most matters, so that was probably for only once and not much more than once after that. But it was usefull to actually to get to know people. At least I did my part. I think I got rid off something that could be dangerous, simply by not having A personal click with her. But maybe I'm over-speculating on this. Well, at least the applepie got appreciated.
And January goes by, winter makes people gloomy yet I feel like this winter is A bit better than usuall, at days when I feel like not getting out off bed and staying in all day. I feel lucky to have A community centre nearby where I can have coffee with people and share being creative. I got appreciated in my new neighbourhood pretty well. It's much better than to be A lonely soul.
About the mess with health care providers- it's getting solved and I'm changing locations and people pretty soon, without much issues these days. The stars are on my side this year, aside to my Guardian Angel. (I somehow believe I have one.) Things go A little more easy these weeks. They have no problem with re-locating me. Somehow I feel like I say goodbye to the wrong people. I only have the current people for A short time, while the previous ones where the people who had me under their care for years. It feels A bit unfair to have my exit-talk with the current morrons, but I think I'm far better off at the new location.
I felt pretty well these weeks. It's not as bad as it was previous years. I invite people over at my home sometimes, to help me get rid off bakings and home cooked dinners. I love that. Especially when it got appreciated by people that I cook for them and me being A good cook. Validation can be the air underneath my wings at times when I feel bad.
Thank you for reading, this is about it for today.
Yours sincerely,
XXX- Maaike.
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