maandag 11 mei 2020

Good afternoon at the 11th off May, 2020

Good afternoon, 

I feel like starting a rant about how everyone should start to eat appropriately and not to skip meals because they are always buisy. It's important to eat well, and to matter about what you eat. It would benefit the entire world if they would do so.

But I mention to have a light off-day today myself, though I'm not planning to give up healthier eating habbits for a lifetime. though I feel 'off.' due to a lack off good vitamins and minerals, probably. I personally feel better mentally and physically if I eat well. I'd like to shout it to those people who lack to eat, and who eat junkfood all the time instead off the good stuff, preferably only once a day instead off spreading their nutricions throughout the day:

'Goddamn it people, start to eat appropriately. To begin with the three main meals each day.'

Verdomme mensen, eet nou toch eens fatsoenlijk. Te beginnen met de drie gewone hoofdmaaltijden per dag.

It's hard, though, to get people off off their bad habbits and get them to better new ones. It's a whole matter off proces, behaviour and habbits people have created throughout their lives. I would advocate for a collective lunch time at work where people can eat for one hour during lunch time at a collective lunch cafetaria (for example) and have time for healthy lunches, and people taking their time for healthy lunches at work and at school. It can make a diffrence in how they do their job and how they feel throughout the day. That's one idea I have.

I'm into nutricions and vitamins and minerals these days, I'm looking up information about the most healthy foods people can eat and what they do for your organs, how they boost your immune system, how they help you to live longer and feel younger, and I would advocate to eat fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, nuts and multigrain bread and other products. and lean meat.

But I have been snacking on a bag off small chocolate easter eggs while writing this blog. I know how hard it is to stick to such diet rules. Despite that they are so good for you. But I myself, I'm not a clean eater (yet)   

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