zaterdag 30 mei 2020

Dress for the weather

Hot temperatures are ahead, it's almost summer time and chances are it will be a scorching hot summer this year, like it has been almost every year the previous years.

I have some cliché advises for everyone, which are important to follow if you wish to survive the upcomming summer months:

1. Dress for the weather. 

Make sure you have your sweaters and woolen knits stored at your ceiling, and consider short sleeves, summer dresses, skirts, light footwear and short and light to wear pants. No matter what style you follow, I suppose you can buy wearable summer clothes for any style. It's no excuse to show up in winter gear at a hot day.

2. Stay hydratated 

Make sure to drink enough liquids. Not only fresh water, which is just delocious after a hard day outside, but also herbal teas and waters with natural fruit flavours are a good idea. If you feel you have been out for too long in the sun and you feel a bit wobbly, cubes off broth dissolved in some hot water can bring you back to life if you drink bouillon.

3. Make sure to wear sunscrean 

I'm someone who burns very fast in hot sunlight, I'm the opposite off a witch who melts in water, I can't stand hot sun. I'm one off these examples off people who don't get away with not putting on at least SPF 50 and still have to be super carefull in the sun. I suggest you to put on sunscreen every day and don't forget your face.

4. Eat hearthy foods 

This is to maintain your levels off salt. It's possible to loose a lot off salt and minerals when you're out in the sun all day, sunbathing. It can make you feel wobbly and out off balance, and it's dangerous. Make sure to get in enough minerals and salt, and give your body what it needs during summer.

5. Don't go sunbathing all day. 

It can do damage to your skin,  the UVA and UVB levels in modern sunlight are extremely high and might cause cell damage and skin cancer if you decide to stay in the sun for too long. I would say about three hours at most every day is perfect these days, to still get in sun energy but not the damage it can cause if you do so for too long.

6. Don't be too hard on yourself these months. 

If you fight the heath, it won't get you anywhere. Just be more laid back, take life the way it comes and accept there is nothing to do about it but just take it easy. Trying to achieve something you better keep for cooler days is not a good idea. It's summer, it's time to be laid back. Just take your time to relax in your backyard with a popsicle. And take it off your mind to go to extremes.

1 opmerking:

  1. Consider wearing long sleeves when going out in the sun. Preferably a light airy fabric so the wind can still pass through it.
    It prevents the heat sun from hitting your skin directly, so it won't heat you up as quickly. Short sleeves in warm weather is only something that started in the 20th century western Europe and Northern America.
