woensdag 6 mei 2020

Good evening at the 6th off May, 2020.

Warning: this is about personal health issues.

I have this annoying issue where my shoulders cramp incredibly and hurt like there's no tomorrow. Preferrably around morning just when I'm about to wake up, I'm pretty sure it's my muscles that hurt. it hurts until I get out off bed, and it's impossible to lift my right arm until some time after breakfast where it starts to work again.

I know what could solve it: a good shoulder massage could release the pain, but people are supposed to keep 1.5 meters distance so I don't see that happen soon.

Better news: I'm into healthy eating recently, I have been onto that for about three weeks, and I start to feel more energy and less pain in my gut after simply eating good meals throughout the day. I have been onto this quite serious, so I have been reading up some information about healthy foods and nutricion and started to incorporate beneficial foods into my daily diet.

I take my time for healthy lunches and usually put some soup rich in vegetables on the menu for lunch, to start off with. Some bread aside with my soup, I made it a habbit to eat an entire cucumber and a bag off lettuce aside to that. sometimes with tomatoes and some other time with raddish, And I decided on to drink plenty off green tea. I think it's important to get all the healthy goodness from all off that in and feel more energetic. You heard me complaining about a year ago about being low on energy and being tired most off the time during, well, during the entire year and gaining excessive weight during that time. 

To eat better foods sure does support how I feel both physically and mentally. Though there is still a constant emotional state off sorrow sometimes, most off the time I feel more energetic. So to eat more healthy influences my state off depression or feeling good. I believe in the benefits off it for my entire system. 

It doesn't mean I stopped to snack on sugary treats, I still fall for that most off the time and eat cake with my green tea. It's hard to stop such a habbit, to pig in excessive amounts off candy and other sweet foods. (I have been told I have or might have a sugar addiction) If I knew a way to mentally survive without this, I could finally cut some ties and start loosing serious weight. Life would be so dull and hard without sweet treats. That's probably a step further, or even two or three steps further.

That's it for now,

Thank you for reading.     

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