woensdag 15 juli 2020

Good evening at the 15th off July 2020.

Good evening everyone,

A blog on positive things.

Things that went well today and this week:

- I had lost my house keys, but they returned. Me and the care taker who had to bring me my morning medicine went searching everywhere. By the end off the day they returned, it turned out another care taker who only works here occassionally had taken them home. Such things happen when you live in a care home. Just like random people pulling out power plugs out off your wall randomly, out off nowhere. That happened once, and luckily I saw some humor in it. Not being aware off the purpose off all powerplugs in your house is only something that can happen in a house system like this. I'm glad the keys got finally returned.

- The wednesday soup was just as perfect as usually. I'm a volunteer in the kitchen in de Boed to prepare fresh soups every wednesday for their lunch. This was the third time I have been doing that. I made Italian Minestronne soup today. (Because I'm a witch who believes in fresh vegetables and fresh herbs.) It wasn't vegetarian since I used beef broth and little meatballs for this soup. Still I believe I have fed most people perfectly. There where no complaints over it, people enjoyed their soup.

I made two large pots off fresh vegetable soup. They still have some soup left for tomorrow. I like to cook quite large amounts when I cook food, to make sure there is always a good amount off it. I'm lucky other people love to eat what I make, so I don't have to eat all off it all by myself anymore.

-  Green tea with biological lemon, a new CD with Celtic classics on it, Tiredness that has faded because off more sunlight during summer, that's mainly the feeling for this moment. Green tea and good music. I suppose this is what's good about this day or this moment. Tomorrow will be for work. I spoiled them with self-made cake yesterday, off which is still left in the work-fridge. It's something to look forward for when we have our half past two coffee break. It's my famous quark based dried fruits cake. (A cake made based on quark instead off butter, simply to be low in calories. And stuffed with dried prunes and white raisins. Made from a  baking mix from a Dutch brand named Koopmans,  It's appreciated and I have made it a few times before.)

(An archive picture off one off the first versions. I think it's best not to picture it over and over again since I make this a lot, just like zuchinni soup. My archive would just be too filled with these two favourite receipes off mine. No matter how good they always are.)  So that's a good thing, too, but it's something for this entire week.

 - I have learned a beginning young care taker at the Upcycling how to make good coffee with the coffee machine they have. She's only 20, and in my opinion you can't start early enough with brewing perfect coffee. I hope she remembers what I've learned her.

-  The weather not being too hot. I react awfull on hot summer weather. I'm the opposite to a witch who melts in rain, I can't stand heat. Rain, on the opposite, is perfectly fine with me. I even like rainy weather. Life inside a home has something cozy when it's rainy. Most off the time I don't mind walking through rain, where most people scare back from it. It's just rain and it's cooling and soothing and good for nature. Maybe I take too little care off my hair and make-up to react like a normal person on rain. Celtic music sounds best on rainy days in my opinion. Tea and coffee taste best during such days. Streets are less crowded. So, all thumbs up for rainy days.

-  My shower products (I treated myself to some items from the RITUALS laughing Buddha line. It's all cold outside, but these products warm me up somehow. It's better to share things that don't cost a lot off money, though this is something worthit to share.) Hot showers with good smelling products are heaven during rainy cold summers like this. Sometimes you have to search for warmth inside.

Allright, that's about it for this blog.

I hope you enjoyed reading this.   


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