Good afternoon everyone,
The best way to bug a metalhead pagan is to wish them a merry christmas out loud. They would react in disgust to it. You could try it if they don't look too agressive.
It's typical Dutch christmas weather. It's grey and rainy outside, there is a promise off wet snow by the forecast, but more than often, that won't be made true by the clouds today. Most off the time such forecasts don't come true during christmas. real white christmasses are something from the past.
I'm doing well. I had a third corona test one week ago and it was negative. As far as that seems I'm completely cured and it does something to me. I got cured from the world's reason for a pandemic but you might have heard that before from me.
Last week I decorated a rose gold coloured christmas bulb for a christmas bulb decoration contest at de Boed. I didn't win a prize. I haven't pictured my apply for that contest, but I gave it to my mom as a christmas gift afterward. I had no opportunity to go christmas shopping this year. I believe that christmas bulb straight from the heart was a good idea. I haven't send any christmas cards to relatives either. I haven't done my best to be giving this christmas. Next year I hope I do better. I'm doing well in my parental home at this moment. It feels like I'm finally getting to rest this year. Life has been busy. I could stay here for a whole week and feel like I finally get to be relaxed. To fall asleep is an issue I have. I'm doing bad sleeping in in the evening. I have had that issue quite some time. I need sleep, as it's good for a damaged brain, but part off the issue is that it's hard to sleep well if you have brain issues.
There probably aren't much places in the world where you got a picture perfect white christmas with snow. Most places have become gloomy and rainy. I bet if we continue this way, even the north pole will become some gloomy place instead of an artic landscape consistent off snow and ice.
I haven't been giving this year, but I received cute christmas gifts from my family. A lama stuffed animal from my brother and a famous cookbook which has won the most important award off the year for cookbooks. (The golden cookbook.) I got that from my mom. One can't have enough cookbooks in my opinion. I'm just not the only one who decides what's getting into my house, and I have just a small appartment. I can't simply stuff it with cookbooks. But I'm doing my best so far. I need more space, and a second book case. It's just impossible to place it at this moment and I don't like to throw stuff away at this point. First world problems I guess.
As far as life goes, I'm not troubled by the second lock down that has come over the Netherlands. Life goes on and I'm handling it pretty well.
I challenged mom's husband into making a buche de noel, also known as yule log (A log made from cake, often covered in chocolate) and he did perfect on it. The merengue mushrooms he made with it are better than what I challenged him into. They're larger and he managed to colour their heads a reddish pink. I believe that was a perfect idea to do this christmas as the whole house benefits from it. we have a perfect christmas cake with great merengue mushrooms this year. He is a pastry baker's son and he knows these kind off things better than I do. I can advise anyone with parents that can and love to bake perfectly to do such a thing every often. Challenge them to make festive and delicious foods every often and your entire family will have joy from it. Next time they are going to challenge me to make them something. I like that idea as we're going on and on with that. These kind off (baking) challenges I'm happy to participate in.
Allright, that's about it for now,
Thank you for reading.
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