zondag 9 juli 2023

Good evening at the 9th off July, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today the biggest heath has faded, and there is a promise off storm and thunder in the air. Some people might disagree, but I prefer even a big storm over 30 degrees celsius outside. (30 degrees celsius is a tropical day in the Netherlands.) I'm more a person for cool weather. 


I probably have been waiting all weekend to show you this: 

Zomercake (Translated it means Summercake.) with green, yellow and white coconut sprinkles. I wrote about it in the prevous blog. It has been a good idea, and somehow the high point off our otherwise boring sunday with a boring potatoes, meat and vegetables dish ahead. (Zaans Geluk voor gevorderden. Like I descripted it somewhere ahead.) On a plain Sunday. But I had the luck to bake them something this weekend. 

Yesterday was for being inside the house with my fan on all day. It's been a bit boring and I felt a bit brake after yesterday. But if you're big and pale skinned like me, there's often no choice but staying in all day during nasty summer heath. Mwah, I even prefer typical Dutch grey rain weather over summer heath. That said, I was born at the 5th off August, during summer heath. But not liking it probably says a lot about me. I prefer sunbathing in early spring, when the sun isn't that scorching and being in the sun still feels soft on your skin. Then I even like to sunbathe a bit on de Boed's terrace behind the building. During summer heath, I got nothing to seek for there. 

The Dutch cabinet has fallen. The prime minister broke it up and now we're without a serious parliament. That's just too bad. Especially these days when the country scorches in it's missery over crisis after crisis we're stuck into. It's a scandal, and I think everyone who votes for Rutte or his political party again, is a complete idiot. I don't like to see the extreme right win, (Which is likely to happen if someone else has to win, a lot off people head to the extreme right.) but what the VVD has done to this country this Friday, is against all limits. Especially during a big crisis. They're supposed to solve it, not making it worse. 

We're going to eat string beans, a tartar and boiled potatoes this evening. Probably with vla or ice cream (Pre packed.) for dessert. I don't even have a coffee picture from this morning to share with you. Yesterday was for a toast with alcoholfree rosé wine, since my grandma from father's side would have turned 100 years old. (I didn't picture that.) Unfortunately, she died in 2006. Still, it's been worthit a small toast, and alcoholfree would have been to her preference. She has been stating against alcohol ever since she was young. My dad didn't follow that at all, (He could handle alcohol well, though.) but alcoholfree rosé would have been to her appreciation. 

I think I could have used her prescence and advice still up to today. But I was only 13 when she died. Some people turn into their 90's (Like most grandparents do these days.) But I didn't have that luck. Her prescence is missed. I'm very much like my grandmother. Also in looks. Except that I'm a bit more unruly. 

There is going to be a storm this evening. I think the country will survive, but I hope they will clean out the streets from fallen trees in time. Storm Poly has been Wednesday, and the mess still hasn't been cleaned up from the streets. Somehow this country is getting more and more off a mess every day. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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