zaterdag 15 juli 2023

Good morning at the 15th off July, 2023.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today the weather was sunny, muddy and cloudy. It's been the perfect weather to proof the Netherlands is a river swamp somehow. It's been raining a few drops here and there. 


I'm going through a rough period off time in my life. With a few hardships. There have been nasty things going on at de Boed, and in my personal life, a few people died. Not really close to me, but close enough to feel it. 

Sometimes I feel the crisis can be over just tomorrow, and the other day I feel we are all going to die and the world will end somehow. It's all a possibility, it's all true intuition during this war with Russia and I don't want to cause panic, or share too much details about this war in public, since that can better be kept secret at this point off the war. Still I foresee the next year will be another year off war and crisis. So keep that in mind, and try to prepare and still make the best out off it the way you probably can. 

I'm so gratefull for life and for karma, that I can live, eat, wash, and even drink alcohol free white wine without too much trouble these days. I have big luck with it. Despite the price for it is a life in psychiatric health care, in a small village in a small home. Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't envy me at all. I hope you can still see that clear, and not bewoe me for being mental but still having my own home to live during these spare times. 

I hope the normal circumstances will come back soon. I have the smell off my own thought out banana cake or a banana bread in my nose. It's too expensive to prepare one these days. I haven't made one with fresh cookie spices and nuts in a while. It's just way too much. Still I feel as if I can smell one. Maybe I miss it to make them. A girl in psychiatric health doesn't need a boyfriend, but her own thought out receipe for banana cake always saves the day. No matter how boring it seems to become. I feel like a superhero without being capable to perform an attack. The Kremlin took away that capability, and now we are without banana cake. I don't know when it will come back. I do know my food processor and cake molds seem a bit empty nowadays. Last week I prepared summer cake with sprinkles, and health care says people are short on nothing ('Ze komen hier niks te kort hoor, Maaike. Dus het is niet erg als je een keer niet bakt.') despite not being capable to bake, but still - it's nasty and it's a win for Russia. 

I have the feeling, in my life the biggest luxury is off. I'm not capable to bake expensive goods, or purchase new winter clothes or the latest cookbooks. But still- alcohol free beverages during the weekend. I can't shop for too much this year. Though my basics in life seem pretty granted. Even if the European Union takes off the gas ceiling. I'm lucky with that. Still I have to do with last year's clothes. they're still perfect for this winter and I have the feeling there's nothing wrong with re-wearing them. It can even safe out off the environment and keep me from over-spending at all. During a normal year, it would have been quite respectable. Now it's a necessity, but maybe there's also something good in it. I think I will re-wear them even the year after that, as far as I foresee 2024 is also going to be a nasty crisis year. I think the environment will be even more gratefull towards me if I can make that come true. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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