vrijdag 7 juli 2023

Good evening at the 7th off July, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

The weather today is bright, hot summer weather. It's a clear sky with sunshine and a mild wind outside. Still due to the sun, it's not preferable to go outside for me today. 


I have been skipping a weekend at my family twice because I didn't have the money to travel there. You can't spend what you don't have, it's as simple as that. And I have been fullfilling a few duties these weekends. This weekend I can't attend there because it's way too hot outside. It's uneasy for me to travel a long distance and stay somewhere else this weekend. 

I have been using my mind and baked a summer cake for Sunday instead. Tomorrow it's going to be too hot to bake. So this morning, when everything was still cool, I have been setting my mind off off things and have been baking a cake from a package which said 'summer cake.' Simply to try the taste. I'm going to finish it off Sunday morning by preparing it's topping, and decorate it with some green, white and yellow coconut sprinkles from my pantry. (That's my own adjustment.) I have been preparing it a bit more professional than the instruction on the back off the package. Adjusting one egg at a time for example, instead off adjusting them all at once. It became more fluffy that way. It's a simple cake, but made with care and love. Like all my bakings. I think people at de Boed will be glad for it since our Sundays are always boring with little to do. 

I haven't been capable to bake for a while. Most ingredients are way too expensive for me during this crisis. Eggs and cream butter are through the roof, not to speak off flour. Which has increased probably most due to the war in Ukraine. So, setting my mind off by baking was something pretty rare for this period off time. I don't know if that's the reason for little blogging. Sometimes I don't know what else to share but the pride off a home made baking on this weblog. At least that's been the case previous year. This year I don't do it so often. But this Sunday I'm going to share a picture with you. 

Baking is also a way for me to release agression and tense. I'm creating something good with it that way. I hate how the crisis has made everything so expensive. 

The crisis hits hard on us. Somehow I hope most people do their best not to be selfish and share in a healthy way what they got with people who do less. 

Somehow I would like the millionairs and the rich people from Castricum and it's surrounding to share more with poor people during the crisis. I have seen cars that are almost unbelievable during a crisis at the Soomerwegh. But people from Noord-Kennemerland seem to care little to nothing about people who do less than them, always selfish and arrogant about what they got compared to the other. During a crisis, I think that's not the way to be, to be honest. They hold a celebration over the back off poor people. That's how the elite seems there. Ignorant, insanely rich, and extremely right-winged in politics. As if the world couldn't cripple more under such behaviour. I wish they would have the heart to do something instead off what I've seen. 

I hope people at home, wherever they live, still keep their heads held up high during this crisis, no matter how harsh, and lend a hand where they can to soften the suffering from their peers. Previous week we had a birthday at de Boed. The woman who had it couldn't afford two quark tarts, (She asked me to make them) so I donated the second one to her for free. I see that as decent behaviour. Her money could owe up to most ingredients, so I didn't do it for completely free. But I decided to pay the rest off the costs for two off them and still help her celebrate her birthday. It's evil how much preparing a quark tart costs these days. They used to be as cheap as the streetbricks. Perfectly affordable for those who had little money. Nowadays it's too much to prepare them every often, as much as I'd like to for de Boed. And only for serious celebrations since the crisis and the war broke out. 

After staying at home for two weeks, my money got re-filled, and if the weather works with, I can go to Castricum to visit my mom next week. It's about time, I haven't been there since Mother's day. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.   

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