zondag 25 juni 2023

Good afternoon at the 25th off June, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it´s tropical heath outside, and for a big, pale skinned girl like me, it´s best to stay in behind my van all the time. It´s not preferable to go outside today. 


I think it's too hot for coffee today, so I'm going to opt for an alcohol free radler during afternoon coffee time. I'm a bit low on money after spending it online on ordering shower items like shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste, and a laundry softner multipack to fill my stock. But what's needed is needed. It's good to have it when you need it, especially when you live far off, and prices in shops are abnormally high on everything. Massive discount is massive discount, and it's needed. It's handy when they deliver it so I don't have to drag myself into an accident while hoarding all those heavy packages from a shop. It's good internet shopping excists. And I'm going to donate a package off each product to the give away closet down the hall. 

But now the bad news: I have to take it a bit sober this week, I have to ask my accountant for extra money, and a visit to my family is delayed because I need money to travel there and now I have to request it first. So I decided to go a week later. At least it's not Christmas, so it's not a bad thing to visit my fam a week later. (It's Christmas within half a year from now.) 

That said, I don't feel like a Christmas baking, but I feel for an Autumn baking. Something spicy, something with apples, something with cinnamon- A cinnamon bun or a spicy latte cinnamon bun or something. you name it, but it's not even July and it's an offend for Summer to start on Autumn bakings already. It's an offend for my wallet to re-start baking anyway. So it's not an option to begin with. I sound like a maffo when I start about baking. That's too much for me this year. And for many, many others. A special cinnamon bun with a cappuccino from a coffee spot is probably already too much for them. 

I also hate on the war in Ukraine for all the people (Like me) who can't afford to wear fashion and purchase new clothes next season. I already work with what I've got. Cheap clothes, and clothes that already have been in my closet for a while. But I suspect fashion to change soon, and I believe I have no money to follow the trends if I have to wear what I already got. But like me, probably many others. I have a closet full off clothes, it's no life threathening issue. But Autumn promises to become a bit spare. No bakings and no fashion. I could draw back to what I've got and see if I can make some good fall outfits with it. Usually I make a laugh about it when something I wear is loud, cheap and out off fashion. (At least I picked fun colours for my shirts.) And point at myself as a clown. (Or I feel funny and a laugh. I haven't told anyone about that feeling yet.) I wear bright t-shirts and cheap footwear. 

The last months off Pluto in Capricorn are going to be terrible for our wallets. I also told myself not to purchase Christmas decorations and presents, Unlike last year- which was just over-spending on Christmas. But I suspect the world and the Netherlands to be on fire when it comes to prices during Christmas. Even more expensive, even more unequality, even more poverty. Despite the Dutch Central Bank to have asked the companies and the shops to keep it modest with price enhighering. But somehow something tells me they are not going to listen, and the ordinairy citizen will befall victim to it again. Especially during Christmas. I think we should be prepared, and use every trick out off the crisis book to save ourselves, be sober and survive. So, re-use what you still got, no presents, re-wear what you still got, don't go for luxury like Christmas shower gel and make-up, and so on. It's hard, it's almost impossible, but it has to be done. And remember- that red lipstick you still got on the shelves, will make you pretty this christmas just as good as a new one. Red lipstick is a must these days. I have purchased one, simply because I wanted to follow that trend, but it's not for every day. 

For me personally, it's more important that my body is clean. Clean and fresh is more important than dolled up. What a woman has to do to be pretty you say? Really, my ass. I never cared much about it, and now it's even less important. I'm not attained to a man, so I don't feel obliged to look picture perfect. When I was depressed, I could not bring it up even for my mom. Or for my 2019 crush. I felt like 'I'll let it pass.' Despite the feeling. It's probably like that with fashion trends this year and probably next year. I'm going to let them pass. I feel capable to groom the basics, and look clean. But that's all that I want for now. And I find joy in loud colours. They're fun to wear. Orange is in fashion, and I own an orange cheap shirt, for example. Because it's 'The summer colour.' for 2023, people forgive you for your shirt being cheap. I also own orange nailpolish. So I'm good with it.     

I'm low on money this week. I probably better be glad it's not Christmas. I'm already setting money aside for Christmas poststamps, and Christmas cards. Simply because that matters to me this year when it comes to Christmas. All the other things for that celebration- are not important for me since I celebrate it at mom's and I already own an outfit. What matters for now, is to survive summer. It's not my favourite period off the year. It's way too hot for me outside. I even do better in old fashioned Dutch grey rain weather. But this is too hot for my pale skin. So today has been for internet bargain hunting, and a can off radler beer. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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