zaterdag 10 juni 2023

Good evening at the 10th off June, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was incredibly hot, and I have been hiding in my home most off the time. I only have been out to de Boed for coffee or meals. Other than that, I have been in all the time.


I have been trying incense for mid-summer. I ordered a few new packages, and tried them on my altair sending wishes and prayers in the air. And I'm burning a yellow candle for peace in Ukraine. It's going to be bad, also for the economy. 

I foresee growth marks off -1,7 % and -1,4 % for next year for the quarter off years if the war and the crisis continues. This counts for the Netherlands. The crisis, at that point, has become lethally dangerous for most. It's going to be awfull. Most people will be poor or close to poor. And I wonder what will happen to our food if people have no money to eat anymore. It will be bad 

Bad times are part off this earth. They have always been there. More floaty types will predict you all sunshine and roses if you don't watch out. But it's the truth off the day troublesome times and war and death are part off this world aswell. I count myself a realist, not a pessimist. Like some people used to say: 'This world is bad? No, dear, this world is deeply rotten.' And that's the truth off the day nowadays. I can't go more soft on it if I wish to keep this prediction realistic. I have low faith in mankind to be honest. I believe in doing good for ourselves and our own karma points. But most people don't seem to do so. I do good because I believe in that. I try to do good to the people in my surrounding. 

But I'm not a prissy. I can handle a lot, but I'm not to be messed with. We will see a shrink in the economy next year, even up to a point where the year mark will be a minus. I don't know what it will do to us in the long term. It's already bad as it is. And badly as it is, I don't have any solution for you. I don't know how to solve the war and the crisis if Russia doesn't give in, or if this is some sick Iluminati game or not, like there are rumors about out there. I just don't know what to do. I know I should warn you. 

It's good to prepare yourselves somehow. Be sure to have products on stock and a closet filled with clothes you can re-wear for a long time. Prepare for a period where most people will do less, economically seen. AND, last advice: Don't be ungratefull for what people do give you, if you are used that they gave more some time ago. (For an occasion, or a holiday present, for example.) Or when the food you have to eat is less than what you are used to. Don't be lame on the person who prepared it for you when you go to them for a dinner. Don't mock about it, since that can be painfull. Be prepared to live in a world where we already do live with what we have 'on the shelves.' instead off buying something new all the time. It's a deep necessity. We simply can't spend more money on things than we do have. 

I have a bit off a hay fever this weekend. A runny nose, sneezing all the time, runny eyes, and a little enhighering off temperature. Aside to being hot, this weekend also has code red for pollen. I have just a little hay fever, but all off these pollen are enough to make me grab my box off tissues and just sick it out. There's nothing that can be done about it this weekend. The best thing that can happen for me for now is rain. But they predicted a whole week off high temperatures. I feel sick from it. 

I decided to shut down the central heathing for summer. It's getting hot, there's no need to warm the home for this period. It saves money and gas, hopefully. 

Pluto will be in Capricorn again tomorrow, and it's a good idea to be sober. The first Aquarius period has been fun for me. I have been doing very well, and I have been going out to fun things and had fun despite the crisis. I feel less chained to medication and health borders this period, but it's about to end and we have to be carefull once more. Still, I can say I enjoyed spring. I hope Aquarius will be this good to me it's entire period with Pluto for the next 20 years, after we took this last step with Capricorn. I just hope Aquarius will also come up with an idea to end the crisis and the war, and we can live up to our full potential again. But like I said: We will have a crisis the next period. I know it's going to take some time. People, it's going to be hard, but take care. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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