zondag 12 september 2021

Good afternoon at the 12th off September, 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's cloudy and sunny and somewhat warm and it doesn't rain. Outside there is a jearly market going on a few streets ahead and I can hear them over here. It's just that I don't feel like going due to low energy somehow. 


What is there to do when you can't visit that one yearly happening this village has? Well, I handed de Boed a cake. 

Coffee flavoured with lots off walnuts and a cream cheese topping for them to serve with coffee. 

I feel motivated to make it with the right amount off coffee next time instead off spilling what would supposed to be in it on the floor. I somehow know it would have been a bit better. I had a big compliment from someone, though. (I'm somewhat off a perfectionist sometimes.) I had someone saying it tasted better than the weddingcake on her mother's wedding while that came from a professional baker. I love such compliments. It came from a care taker. Care takers are a great audience for my foods as they always love it a lot, and I can tell they're honest about it. That's rewarding. 

My painted stones are handed to their new owner. An elderly lady who will give them to her grandson who loves to collect 'happy stones.' I never heard off the term but I found out there are people who paint stones to be happy stones, and then randomly drop them in a public area for someone to find them and them to become happy. I think I didn't do bad with my work. I didn't know it was a thing. It's good to make people happy. 

Life is not easy, but you can lighten up the road for people and yourself by making them happy somehow. That's what I try to do. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.   

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