vrijdag 17 september 2021

Good afternoon at the 17th off September, 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today could pass for a sunny autumn day changing by time with rain. At this moment it's sunny, but there are clouds to come. 


Today was for cleaning my appartment with support from Leviaan, otherwise I wouldn't be capable to get it done at all. I'm glad they help me cleaning each week as that is necessairy. It's good to have a clean house each week and not to let yourself drown in dirt. I would do that if I wouldn't have the right amount off help. Like a lot off psychiatric patients. 

Today was for a relaxed morning with a few cups off fresh brewed coffee. I love coffee. 

This is a picture from previous week, but I used the same mug and coffee spoon today so it could have been taken today. 

I have this mug for several years and I still love to drink from it. I also love to use cat coffee spoons. They come from a cat cafe in Alkmaar my mom has been visiting some time ago. I've had them for quite some time but I'm not wealthy enough to spend a lot off money on mugs and coffeespoons. But this still does. My cupboards are thankfull for me not chocking them with stuff. Let's keep on the positive side with this. I'm rich they say? They are mad I declare. (I know I have a name off being overly rich and spoiled- which I'm defenetely not. I suspect them talking behind my back about being spoiled. But Jealousy has large tentacles sometimes.) 

Aside from help with cleaning, not much happens today, except from the laundry machines doing their work for me. And that's how my weekend usually starts. I have plans to fullfill this upcomming weekend, it mainly contains baking something for de Boed Saturday and also shop flour from a local mill a few streets ahead for next projects. I love wholesome flour for home made 'Kruidkoek.' with self selected spices for it, which is a perfect treat for fall and winter. When it's cold and people have little to look forward to. It's perfect to give them something. But that has to wait untill after my upcomming project for this weekend. I'll tell you all about that when it's on.    

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.    

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