zaterdag 11 september 2021

Good evening at the 11th off September, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy and rainy outside. It was all autumn gloom as far as this day went. 


Today was for trying a receipe for coffee walnut cake with a cream cheese topping which I will serve tomorrow at de Boed. I had the brilliant action to spill a lot off coffee on the floor, but hopefully people won't mind and the next time I'm about to make it with the right amount off coffee. So my inner perfectionist somewhat demands. If I do something- I want it to be as good as possible. 

I have the receipe from Rutger van den Broek - Cakes (Link naar (I'm not sponsored)

A cookbook my mom has won in a lottery and I was incredibly glad she wanted to give me it. I'm a fan off Rutger and his receipes and I loved trying this cake. Tomorrow afternoon will be the moment off truth when me and my fellow patients are going to try it at de Boed during coffee. Rainy weather is the perfect circumstance for home made cake and other bakings. 

I somewhat decided life is too short not to try making heavenly desserts and bakings from famous chefs and people who are good at making them- I want to eat that, I'm going to do so and I want to make it- discussion closed. What if I'm about to spend my time in the afterlife, feeling sorry for what I haven't eaten? According to some, it's a good place to be, but you can't eat like we do. That's mainly the only thing that sucks about it. I have to watch my weight, but I wish to still bake and make desserts. If today was my last, or this year would be my last, I would cook and bake stuff in moderation to still enjoy it all. Aside to that, I have an audience here who would love to do that either. 

I have a strange idea: Get all polarbears from the North Pole and safe them before the North Pole is entirely molten and polarbears get extinct. The North Pole is melting due to climate change, but as far as it goes- there is no way back as no nation or institute off real power seems to make a true fist to safe them. As pity as that is, safe polar bears and other wildlife from the Arctic to safe them from getting extinct. I would like to see it diffrent, but I have the feeling it's not going to happen somehow. Put them in zoos all over the world and hopefully the species will survive. I know it might sound stupid to some, and sad to others, but I see no other way to truly safe them. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.     

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