donderdag 16 september 2021

Good evening at the 16th off September, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been a nice day for pre autumn. There have been clouds but there has been more sunshine than on an average summer day this year. 


Wednesday Soup was for an excellent and rich Minnestrone containing cannelini beans and lentils. It was an incredible soup which was more vegetables than broth when someone got it served. It was one off my best ideas for this week. Eat more veggies! Beat Corona! (Just like I did)  Become a healthier version off yourself! I believe in it. It was almost a celebration to eat, if you love vegetables as much as I do. It had 

The rest off the Wednesday was for baking chocolate cookies at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk, for a gathering off three organisations (Leviaan, the Social Neighbourhood Team and the Salvation Army) who held a meeting at the first floor. Clients where not invited, but they requested me to bake them cookies and I decided on to bake chocolate cookies which where amazing. I had a buisy day yesterday but it was a good day and it was fullfilling to work for de Boed instead off an average day where I do hard to get by. 

Today was for swimming. I took part in Thursday Swimming and decided to swim with the swim group.   

Tuesday was a bad day with mental drains and breakdowns where I had to sit on my place all day, and just have coffee and flip a few old cookbooks on the look for inspiration. 

Something is wrong with my blogger as it doesn't upload everything I wrote today but maybe that will be for tomorrow. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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