donderdag 7 oktober 2021

Good evening at the 7th off October 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a bright and sunny day, especially for this period off time in a year which you can describe as rainy. 


I have an issue with my computer, with my head and with the bathroom light. 

My home computer isn't declared safe any longer by care-takers, I write you this on another computer. It has to do with virusscanners and the lack there off. I believe I could also write this on the wall off a building, and who knows it might have no readers either. It's about 3 to 4 years later since the first blog on this version off my weblog and no one reads, but I'm mad, bonkers, out off my mind- so who cares? Hallelujah! And now on with the show- 

I have issues with my virusscanner, a care taker who took a look at my computer a few days or even a week ago (I don't take good count off time these days, but even that doesn't truly matter to me. My life is still not so bad these days) declared I shouldn't be on it anymore since the virusscanner was expired but I'm not allowed by my accountant,. who decides about my money- to take subscriptions. So I'll probably have to fight a battle about that first before I can write those who secretly read more blogs. I have an interesting and fullfilling life. Unfortunately I don't have the capability to write interesting enough for strangers, and those who might be interested are not informed about this secret off mine about life in psychiatric health care. I might have had an audience if they where into computers and could read English. I bet I would be in trouble either. So that's why I don't have daily life fans dwelling all over this weblog while I'm a young woman in the last year off her 20's. My daily life audience is often older, a bit out off their mind and not intelligent enough to find their way to this. I'm sorry to say. But here I am again, sharing my story with you. 

(Note: Because they aren't intelligent enough to find their way to the dark and mystic web a.k.a my nickname Starlight and it's secrets doesn't mean that I don't love my daily life audience. They are the lovely ones I love to bake happy with cakes and cookies and make fresh soups for each week. They are gratefull for what I do and that's what I like about them. Mainly because they don't know me like the internet audience does, they are capable to enjoy my foods and company every day without issues between us. It's refreshing and good to work with an empty page. It does well for me and the audience. I have been on good terms with them for about three years and it's almost healing to find appreciation.) 

Onto the main story: I bumped my head to an iron rack storing pans in de Boed's kitchen while preparing this week's chicken soup. I had a major headache on physicall level and it kept on all day. I had a fight with a care taker about calling General Practice later on (It kept on a bit) as I found he dind't take me very serious with my headache. GP luckily did, they told me to take aspirine and keep them informed about how things where developping. I haven't done so and I haven't taken paracetamol today. I feel it doesn't hurt anymore but that took some off this day. 

This morning I have been drilled out off bed by maintainance at 7.30 who where renovating a home on the floor above me. I moved it to my parent's home untill it's all done- hopefully tomorrow but I don't feel like being around tomorrow and I took off the entire weekend. I have been taking on too much for two days already for my sore head. It doesn't hurt as much as it did yesterday. But to take it easy and calm is a run race for today as I took the trip to my parent's home so I took part in a few long bus rides. My luck probably was that the bump on my head could be cooled down with a package off frozen haricots verts from their freezer wrapped in a towel short after it happpened. It was NOT a good way to get rid off a headache.  

'Doctor, my toe hurts.' *Doctor steps on other foot.* 'Ouch! Why did you do that?' 'So you won't feel your first injury so badly anymore.' Somehow it felt like life gave me this- by taking on me today with something stupid I had to react alert to, I barely feel hurt in my head physically anymore. I would love my secret Guardian Angel who reads this though, to make sure it's not too bad since it felt like something had been damaged yesterday. 

Sometimes I wish my Guardian Angel would be real and sit next to me on my couch to cuddle me and be there physically to guide me through -everything-. But that's my life: That's not about to happen and we all should know this by now. I think I'd better be gratefull someone takes it upon them to cure me somehow. (I somehow sense he does this by reading my weblogs.)     

Gortershof is an old building. January will be an entire month off renovation in all off our old homes- it's necessairy, but I'll probably be in my parental home for an entire month or even two then.  

Third story: My bathroom ceiling light is broken and needs to be replaced entirely. I have a hard time seeing what is going on in my bathroom. I need to make time and space to buy a new one since the one I have is a stupid one about which system they have complaints all the time. It's probably even a good thing it broke down so it can be safely replaced by a good system.

Allright, that's about it for today- 

Thank you all for reading.   


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