vrijdag 15 oktober 2021

Vegetable Soup according to me.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a bright day in Autumn. It was pretty cold but there was no rain outside. Fall promises to become a beautifull season, contrary to Summer and Spring. 


My computer still isn't declared safe enough to blog at home. I'm at my parents' house so I believe I can blog for this weekend. 

This week was for perfect 'Groentesoep.' (Translated it means 'vegetable soup.' But when you say this to someone here they know you mean a certain soup prepared according to a Dutch classic receipe. My version contains a lot off herbs and alphabet vermicelli and maybe a hint off extra garlic.) People loved it and it was appreciated big time. Groentesoep is an instant classic succes on a place like 'de Boed.'  

How to prepare my version off Dutch 'Groentesoep.': 


3 / 4  litres off chicken broth from about 6 to 7 cubes or 8 to 9 cubes if you take 4 litres. It's about 1 cube for half a litre and a little extra for more taste. 

A hint off olive oil 

Sellery salt (1 Teaspoon) 

dried Laurel powder (1 teaspoon)

dried Dragon (1 teaspoon)  

1 leave off fresh laurel 

Fresh Thymian  

Oregano (1 teaspoon)  

Salt from a grinder 

Pepper from a grinder  

6 cloves off fresh garlic 

5 medium to big onions 

2 to 3 bags off Soup Vegetables (These come in pre cut amounts in packages and contain a lot off vegetables like leek, culiflower and carots.) 

5 potatoes 

A good amount off soup balls, or make your own meatballs for soup. In my version, this simply requires beef minced meat, pepper and salt and a hint off nutmeg.   

Alphabet Vermicelli (A whole package) 


1. Prepare the garlic with a garlic press, adjust with olive oil and Sellery salt, ordinairy salt and pepper, Dragon, Laurel Powder and oregano to the soup pot. Peel and cut your onions in small pieces and adjust. simmer until soft and fragrance comes from the pot. Then add chicken broth and the Laurel leave and the fresh Thymian. Re-adjust salt and pepper. Taste your broth. If it needs something extra to your personal taste- do so. This is my version for this week, but you can decide to add diffrent herbs.  

2. Peel and cut your potatoes in small pieces. Adjust soup vegetables and the potatoes and bring to a soft brothle. Let brothle for at least three quarters off an hour to one hour. This enhances the taste off everything and it's a kick when everything ends up perfect to taste and hearthy and blends up togheter nice for a cold autumn day. Taste to be certain it's all well and salty enough to your taste. 

3. Adjust soup balls and Alphabet Vermicelli and let brothle untill it's all done. In a large soup pot, this took me half an hour and be sure your soup balls are well done and your vermicelli is soft, and your vegetables and potatoes should be soft.

Bon Apètite!  

Officially, this takes a soup bone being brought to broth for almost a day, and traditionally it should be made off beef broth. But I decided to replace that with chicken broth from cubes. This week, de Boed had me pre made soup balls I didn't have to make myself. (Lucky me. They where good in taste, however) Often I ask to make vegetable soup at weeks where I want to keep it simple to keep myself from having a hard time with Wednesday Soup. At weeks where you know ahead when too much off a thing will be too much, but where you also have to be certain your work will be a succes. That's when I do this soup. Sometimes I also request this at weeks where I can't make soup myself - since mainly everyone knows how to make vegetable soup, though others might make it diffrent. (I was well enough to be at it, but I felt off last week so I had a bad week in mind but I felt well) This week things where without trouble and stress and no complaints about it. 

I'm going to keep it at this, just a receipe for good old Vegetable Soup and I might inform you later on about what's been going on. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.     

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