zaterdag 9 oktober 2021

Make yourself believe you can make a diffrence.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's still cold but it's getting a bit more sunny outside. It's perfect for hot chocolate and a caramel treat off some sort. 


My last weblog was to make people think. I wish to make you realise it's never a good idea to overly idealise things you make or set up, but just proove yourself first and then talk realistic about a succes. Then you're not braggin- then you speak the truth which should mainly speak for itself. If you are good at something- perfect. If you are pretentious because you are probably insecure or something else is in the way- bad for you. Don't lie, don't act as if, don't feed your ego as all off this makes you less off a person. 

Simply find what you are good at, and don't over act on the matter. Simply take it down to things that are. Not to things that will never be. Realism keeps you grounded and relatable as a person. 

Sometimes it's hard to find the truth less nice than what you want it to be, but to solve the truth instead off walking away from it in make believe is a diffrent act. If you would solve things instead off being unhappy all the time, that's the way to go. Solve, and become a better person than you where before. Though that might sound hard. Solving life is a hard process. But fighting is better than to sit back and let it happen. 

I think a lot in this world would not be if people would let go off make believe and solve their lives first. If people where less pretentious- what perfect things would actually be. Then we could create a perfect excisting world. 

I don't like people who 'don't care.' about the world and who are as ignorant as a brick about everything. Or those who sky high make themselves unbelievable stupid with narcism and ego tripping. that's not a good thing either. Both are destructive for this planet. 

Speaking off which, I could set myself to being more green and care more for the planet myself. It's hard when you don't want to be cut off off personal comfort like I do, but it's nowadays perfectly possible to live eco friendly and on a good term with the climate. I have been taking this in consideration for some time but the road to it seems impossible if I have to pass it across de Boed, which is a pretty old fashioned place when it comes to that. I'm not really capable to keep it on my own yard either and just do myself what's needed as I need health care for a lot off things and I'm depended on de Boed and Leviaan for my life. I think it's best not to make promises about that since I have to keep promises when making them. I don't believe in half ass work when it comes to promisses. 

I shouldn't bug myself too much with it- promises on the environment and personal ways off taking that in count. I'm not capable, but I believe I have a few points: I don't have a car, I eat from a shared food table so that saves other people on cooking and on waste, I believe in cruelty free care products, I live sober and I'm not planning to have children. (Which saves a few unhappy people from the planet wasting and being unhealthy. My mental disease has a too big chance off being heired and I just can't do it so the answer is no to that.)   

I do have a lot off waste, however, and my electricity use is not low. Though I don't watch TV or listen actively to the radio. I have been planning to listen a bit more to it though since it's more nice to have sound surrounding you than to have a home as quiet as I have. Nothing comes from it actually, I have to put on the radio for example and I barely do that. I need my electricity and machines to feel nice in comfort in my home. I could keep it at this and see what the government comes up with when it comes to green electricity. Maybe in a few years it wouldn't matter to prefer working machines in your home. And warmth in winter is simply a must so I won't put off my heater at any costs. 

If it was up to me, I would eat less meat on a daily basis. I think that is perfectly possible and won't do bad to me. But then again, I'm depended on de Boed for dinner and they are NOT vegetarian, or green. And I'm NOT capable to manage my own household or groceries so far, so that won't happen in the long term, or the short term. I can think off perfect wholesome meals consisting no meat at all and being fun to cook for me and probably good for the planet. I could start with a few home dinners with neighbours and people I like to re-start a fun hobby off mine combined with something good. Cooking and entertaining people in my own home, yet being onto it more vegetarian. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.         

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