zaterdag 8 april 2023

Good afternoon at the 8th off April, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is the perfect sunny day in Spring, which really makes you wish for Easter to take place. 


I'm situated at my parental home for the Easter weekend. 

Warning: This is going to be a medical blog. 

Thursday was for visiting a doctor. My prolactin has been way up the ceiling, and we had a long conversation about how and why, and I had a care taker with me to listen and support me during that chat. It has been quite something, it could be very well the result off medication, but he wanted to investigate more on me. So I'm about to have more medical examinations these days. 

Yesterday was for having another bloodtest at the hospital to see if not only the prolactin was too high. I'm still expecting the results from that test. I have the luck the bakery near the hospital sells great sausage croissants, and they have good coffee at the hospital. Let's keep on seeing it positive, despite having to have had to get up at 6.00 AM in the morning. Yesterday I was out at 5.00 AM even. It's not so bad, I have been practicing with getting out and up very early these days. I had to undergo the bloodtest all by myself. I'm lucky I can think practicall enough to save myself in such circumstances. Despite I decided to go to the hospital by taxi. (Safer, and easier.) 

It's waiting for the results off that test. They are going to discuss them by phone, since they said they are too buisy for an appointment.  

They even talked about me having to undergo MRI if needed. Simply to examine the area off my brain that's responsible for these hormones. (It's a spot in your brain where they can see if it's truly wrong.) 

I expect a medical circus surrounding it, but I will keep you informed. 

I have even more bad news. Caretakers decided I have to eat more healthy, since I'm so tired often and feel so wobbly. I believed I could get away with just peanutbutter sandwiches in the morning for this being a crisis and I wanted to save out on food, and then bake from the rest off my week budget, but that was not a good idea. Health care told I had to eat a more healthy breakfast and eat more fruit. I don't have the budget to bake anymore since I started that. I hate it, but I have to and the tiredness and the wobbly feeling faded by eating more healthy in the morning. They told me I had to think off myself first instead off the people I bake for. I have to spend my weekends diffrently now I don't bake anymore. It's not so bad, it had become a bit boring and I feel more energetic. Pluto in Aquarius probably demands us to think and act more selfish. We are not alone in this world, but health is health. I eat quark, granola, blueberries and honey for breakfast now. It tastes wonderfull and feels wonderfull compared to a peanutbutter sandwich. I'm sorry to say. I had to quit baking, but I'm going to do good myself. I'm somehow thinking: 'Do you really have no money to bake? Are there really no ways to still bake?' I have to answer the question, and come with an answer and a solution. Or simply accept. Sometimes we are not as locked up in circumstances as we think. And I have to empty my shelves. I have packages which I really should use up before they expire. Only a complete brick would take 'it's impossible.' for an acceptable answer. Sometimes we can solve more than we think, but it's something to overthink for now. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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