zondag 2 april 2023

Good evening at the 2nd off April, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was beautifull, sunny with a strong cold wind. But I dressed well, so I could enjoy the sun for some time at the terrace behind de Boed. 


I have decided to start to wear the anti-war fashion that's going on during this era. Think: dark and sober looking clothes, 90's supermodel and bright red tones in our lipstick, undyed hair since hairdye is expensive (But there are loads off women doing it like that these days. I'm not the only one not dying when I look around in the streets.) Easy going or no make-up, and stone and red tones on our nails. You don't don't doll up at all, but you dress cool, comfy and preferably cheap against the war. You're not supposed to look like a bimbo, or overdone, you have to keep it modest since there's nothing to celebrate these days. 90's supermodel has been in fashion for a while, so I suspect people still have these colours in their make-up kit and don't have to spend loads off money on it, and bright classic reds and burnt oranges, since, well, that turned in fashion with it this year and it's awesome so it's perfectly adapted to the style. 

Don't dress too expensive, or too girly and soft, and not too loud, since that's not cool and we don't have money for that. We need to look like we can stand a tyrant. And it's a look that suits us, most millenials, suprisingly well. I have seen several women (Also on TV or in the newspaper) with this look. It's cool to purchase new clothes for it, but it's even more adjust when you work with what you still have in your closet. It's also a look that comes with modest eyeliner instead off graphic liner like we saw before 2020. But be sure you are washed and clean, since you're not intending to look like a yucky alternative and we don't want to win this war stinking. Being washed is a pro! 

I'm certain it's going to take a while, be prepared for the worse and I'm certain this fashion is not in fashion the entire war, but it's cool and it rocks to make a statement against Putin with our clothes. The style rocks, people who wear or try to wear it rock. Basically you try to look taken care off in a war era, wearing dark clothes despite the crisis. It doesn't has to cost the headprice, just keep in mind that the cool kids create their masterpieces with cheap items when they're at the beginning off their career, and their work is the coolest. (Usually it's not as good anymore or getting commercial after they made it) You don't need expensive clothes. A black t-shirt and a jeans jacket on a wide black pants are enough for this one. Put some comfy sneakers you already have (Outworn is better than brandnew) underneath and you're cool for summer. You can polish your nails and put on make-up if you wish, but not over-done, we're trying to look cool, not like a drag queen. But red lipstick is always a good idea with this one. Anti-war fashion wearers wish to look like they can bite your head off. Despite they're poor. 

I have seen this look around me, on several other women. It's edgy, it suits a woman in her 30's, it's Millenial-in-their-30's chique and it's mildly flamboyant (Red lipstick!) without it being too much. I don't know if there's a name for this look, but it should be called anti-war fashion. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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