zaterdag 1 april 2023

Good afternoon at the 1st off April, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's cold, rainy, dreary, depressing and somber outside. Spring is nowhere in sight today. 


Watch this video before reading further. 

I think you should watch this and be warned about serious revolution, and my own biggest fear: A famin coming our way these years. I think the mundial crisis will deepen, commoners will do worse and revolution against the system will break out these years. I have to warn you since astrology has been more often right than wrong about world issues. If I sugarcoat, chances are I will pull at the shortest end if I do so, so be warned for an era similair to the French revolution. 

I'm seriously afraid off Europe being too short on food, or food getting too expensive for most people so we can't eat. I hate the idea, and it's enough to make me pale and feel sick. I felt this at de Boed's lunch I had to warn people about this, and health care staff saw me feeling awfull. I don't know how far my message will reach, but I simply had, had, had to warn you people again: Chances are we will be sucked out even more off our money, and people will be too poor for food and out off good food sources in the future. If this continues, polarisation will get the best off us and that will do no good for western society. I don't know who's head has to be off, but it's going to happen. And if polarisation will turn down to real violence, we have to beware. But there is a chance in the air it will happen with these transits, so it's a good one to inform you about for now. 

It's also Pluto's return for the United States. The United Stated where declared independant and an own country when Pluto was in Aquarius back then. That has been something good for the world I think. I'm pro America and the American dream off equality and justice. I think the United States has done the world good so far. I just don't know how a Pluto return will look for it. It can either empower, or turn it down depending on the circumstances. 

The modern adjustment off Pluto is improvement and development off technology and the internet. I don't know how that will turn out, but it could also be a bad development, since it also makes other fields off life spare and empty if a person is just focused on the computer and what's happening on the internet. It can make people such internet junkies. It's not to my liking. (I'm a bit old fashioned when it comes to that.) I'm pro internet, and what positive things you can do with it, but there's also a massive downside to it and I think we are going to see that more these next 20 years. 'Hey, man, are you shallow or just an Internet junkie?' That's what it comes down to. We need to keep on filling in our entire life, not just our life on the internet. We need to spend money on more items than just the latest computer and technology, for example. I think especially lonely men are sensitive for this one. 

I hope to have informed and warned you, and I don't know who I am to reach, but it's a necessity people should read.   

 Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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