zaterdag 22 april 2023

Good morning at the 22th off April, 2023.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today it's cold and changing. It's mostly cloudy and cold. 


Yesterday evening was a bit weird. The sky was humid, and stormclouds where lightned by sharp evening sun. There's been thunder and rain, and I felt sick and uneasy. It made me think off a situation in the old south off the United States. Not at the dessert or the prairie, but situated near the Missisippi, where it's a swamp. 

People are poor, racist, they would use a gun if they could, the air is dense, it's beautifull for old stuff, nevertless, the blossoms, the flowers and the humidity off an old swamp is out, and the government doesn't give a rat's ass about us. There's been a strange weather incident in the air with storm clouds and sunshine to vaporate the worst density, and there even has been a bad omen in the air. Mercury retrograde in Taurus these two months, and I felt sick. (I'm a Leo.) I had a sore cough and a bit off a fever. It felt strange in the air last night. And we're on a terrain where mental people live. The only thing that missed was a river boat and a few crocodiles. But maybe it's been good there where not crocodiles, it's a thing less we have to care about. These where coi carps in the pond. Not crocodiles. (I see that fat crocodile from The frog princess in front off me when I think off a crocodile. Maybe that's a bit naive) The only thing we don't have is a strict believe in the bible. 

I feel like the perfect Southern Belle, a mud fat sweetheart with a conservative mindset, magical hands in the kitchen and an over - reacting mind and a taste for sweet things. (It's not much off a compliment for me, or maybe it is. Depending on your taste.) I fit in the situation off the old swamp south off the United States perfectly. But I'm not a rich Southern Belle. And it's been getting the best off me yesterday evening. Usually other people are (Hypothetically, not litterally) shot for their asses when a strange situation occures, yesterday it's been me who had a hard time handling it. Something has been in the air, and I don't know what it was. 

Today I can sick out my cough. I don't feel like being sick next week, and I have to listen to my body before it gets worse. I have been making myself tea. But I'm not allowed to spend money on internet shopping today. Everything is insanely expensive, and I have other purposes the upcoming time. Last week I couldn't help myself spending money on three new, fuchsia pink t-shirts. I felt sick off the crisis and the somberness around me, I had it up to here with it. I have been a bit over-spending. Luckily I could get the money back from my accountant and by doing it sober with groceries last week. But I can't splurge it on fun items and baking like I used to. I really had enough off it. I have been doing it sober with clothes for quite some time now.  

If this is the old swamp south, I would cheer for better foods. But maybe I shouldn't complain and just accept and be gratefull there is food at all. I'm a poor Southern Belle with a mental disorder, so I can't demand anything. I just have to accept what is given to me most off the time. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.        

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