vrijdag 19 mei 2023

Good evening at the 19th off May, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a beautifull, sunny day in May. I even have caught up on my sun allergy. Nothing too serious, I got out before serious damage was caused. But it taught me a lesson on not being in the sun for more than 20 minutes or so when it´s this hot. 


Tonight is a boring Friday evening. But I have no boring weekend ahead off me. 

I somehow feel Buddha is right about something: The only special occasion in life, is life itself. 

Which means all other things, like celebrations, are almost invalid. Like Ascension day last Thursday. I had the idea to prepare de Boed a special quark tart that day, but for two days (The day ahead and the day itself.) I felt sick as a dog due to brain issues, and all I could do was lay in bed. Hoping it would pass as the devil on a motorcycle. I had no strength do do something at all. Ascension day at de Boed, just like Pentecost, is treated as a Sunday by staff and therefore boring as hell for most fellow clients. I thought to myself: 'Let's still make something out off it, let's spend some money and bake.' 

But I felt too sick these days. But today here I am. Fit as a fiddle. I don't feel like being in bed all the time anymore. So, today was for preparing limited mango edition quark tart for de Boed, a small community centre in Zaandijk, the Netherlands. Tomorrow I'm going to top it with chunks off pineapple and serve it to celebrate... 

an ordinairy Saturday... 

without occasions, no one has their birthday, it's just your average Saturday. 

Celebrating an average Saturday or even Sunday was something from before the crisis. Even on a discount, a package off quark tart is no funny joke anymore for just 'in between.' The chunks off pineapple are from can. Fresh pineapple is unaffordable, I'm glad it looked acceptable to me. Even a can off mixed cocktail fruits is through the roof. Just baking makes me a thief off my own wallet. 

But Buddha is probably right. Due to my disease, I can barely pin myself to Christmas, or Easter (And even then it's because my family makes it a happening and it's a worldwide happening I can celebrate at their home and leave it to them if I feel unstable and give the stirring wheel a bit to them.) But an average occasion is a bit too much to hold on to at times. So I love how Buddha looks at it: It doesn't matter, the only special occasion in life, is life itself. You'd better don't safe things for special days. 

I love it. It makes Buddhism even more suitable for a wobbly person like me. Even though it's a crisis, even though it's Ascension day, (Or has been) You can still celebrate being alive on an average Saturday. Some phrases from Buddhism seem to be made for me. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   



A picture off my quark tart when it was still whole. It got cut into slices this afternoon. 

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