dinsdag 30 mei 2023

Things that make me happy


Good evening everyone, 

I feel like sharing those fun and nice things that give my life fullfillment and make me love my life, despite being in mental health and missing out on the regulair things as an adult (A career and a family). Maybe you put inspiration out off it to do something fun yourself. Who knows. I'm so fed up with all the negativity in life and the massive dip the world is in at the moment. We need more positivity! 

1. 80's hits 

2. Donating bakings to the local community centre 

3. Doing the laundry and having clean clothes 

4. A clean bed 

5. Lame Bert & Ernie humor 

6. Donating laundry wash to the give away shop / performing acts off charity (Especially when received gratefully) 

7. The elder generation and making them happy / imagining myself in their era and loving it. (I'm born in the wrong era. I would have loved to have lived through the end off the 20th century. ) 

8. Sharing drink or coffee pictures on Facebook, thinking I share a drink with my vieuwers, or sharing a picture off my morning tea and wishing them a good morning.  

9. Sending postcards to family 

10. Bargains 

11. Fun prints on fabrics 

12. Realizing I cope well with the crisis and believing I will make it through 

13. Giving presents and gifts to others 

14. Visiting old cities and having coffee and shopping in city centres 

15. Markets 

16. Blooming flowers 

17. Streets covered with flowers on the sides 

18. Christmas 

19. My mom 

20. Sunbathing on moderate warm days 

21. Coffee 

22. My house plants 

23. Buddha and Buddhism 

24. The colours Pink, red, yellow and orange (The more vibrant the better) 

25. Nailpolish 

26. Cats 

27. Accepting myself and my flaws, realizing I'm just the way I am and still loving myself despite it all. I love that about myself. 

28. Doing good for others 

29. My brother Tim 

30. My brother Rick 

31. Well tasting fries (It's almost an art to make them perfect. A snackbar or restaurant who has them perfect, and perfect to taste deserves an award nowadays) Salt & crispy, just like they're supposed to. 

32. The interior to my small home 

33. Being fresh when I have showered and washed myself 

34. Not taking things and people too serious. Seeing them with a sense off humor works for me. 

35. My humor. Some loathe it. But I personally love it and I can laugh out loud about myself. Oh woe to those who take themselves too seriously. 

36. Reaching for that little extra. An extra performance, an extra act, being and doing a bit better than what an average human would do. (Because they don't care or are lazy.) People are often a bit slacking at points where I simply do it. I love that about myself. Just taking the extra mile makes me proud off myself. 

37. Acting modest and not egocentric. If you wish to be an every day superhero, it's best not to act out off a big ego. People might think you have it high in your head. Just do it, and still be modest and kind to the world. I love how it works out. People appreciate me though they don't think I'm selfish or a brag out. Act down to earth, and they will love you even more if you help.  

38. Sarah Brightman 

39. The cooking bible series 

40. Toblerone 

41. People who are an Aries off zodiac sign 

42. When I have plenty to give & share with people, for example food, and I don't have to measure out so everyone 'at least has a bite.' I want them all to have a good portion off whatever it is I'm sharing 

43. Ladybugs randomly showing up to me, signing good fortune and wishes coming true to me (To me they do that every often) 

44. The internet and being on the computer. But everything in moderation. It's a great invention and it's very handy, but I'm not an addict and it's used to my advance. 

45. Being fortunate enough to have fun with small amounts off money, and doing things I like with it. I'm capable to buy and give without having to be extremely sober with it. 

46. Writing in my diary / on my weblog about my day. Lately my diary has my preference. I have been realizing I'm not Napoleon, or someone else off importance. I haven't occupied France. Who the hell cares what I'm doing? It's not read. So my diary is my personal preference to journal at the moment. 

47. Sweet, alcohol free white wine with fizz. (Bubbles) sided with my favourite nut mix on a Saturday evening 

48. Not caring about what the world thinks off me most off the time. 

49. Swimming 

50. Putting new, freshly bought items to use. Like wearing them, eating them, writing in them, and so on. 

It's pretty much. I haven't thought I would come this far. I decide to end at 50. But my life is fun, meaningfull and I love it. Despite being in a psychiatric care home. To me it doesn't matter how far off I am, as long as it's still fun. 

I hope you enjoyed this list! 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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