woensdag 10 mei 2023

Good afternoon at the 10th off May, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is grey and cold outside, and there's a promise off rain in the air. Farmers in the Netherlands have been complaining that this year's soil is too wet. 


How have I been doing? 

I'm not doing bad. The previous weeks where actually pretty good. The weather was good for a few days, and I have been to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, to the Vermeer exhibition. I have been quite enjoying myself. I had a care taker from Leviaan with me. I have been seeing VOC-art and I loved being in the museum. It's been a magical day. I had a good King's day, with good foods. And a few other good days this entire period ever since the end off April. I don't know what it is, but sun in Taurus has been doing good to me this year. I have been enjoyig the Gortershof garden and all the beautifull flowers that where out this spring. I love flowers and surrounding myself with them. The soil hasn't been too wet for pretty flowers and the cherryblossoms at the Gortershof garden. The garden has been gorgeous this year. 

This period has also been a good period to give away stuff. Whenever I purchase a multipack off stuff, I always donate one package to the give away closet in the hall, ment for people who can use it. But previous week, I have been donating an entire box off laundry softner to the give away shop, situated at de Boed. I made sure it's been a softner without a strong smell, so everyone could use it. It's been appreciated. (I have been purchasing that package on a massive discount, otherwise it would have also been impossible for me)  

I have been making cake with cherries for the 5th off May celebration in the Netherlands. It was off perfect taste. And de Boed had one left for the Saturday after. I love it when they dress up a trolley with a plastic tarp which looked crotcheted with a white old fashioned crotchet pattern, and gorgeous, the coffee and tea equipment situated on top and then my cake (With the ridges) on one off my pretty glass plates with see-through ornaments on top as the show stopper it truly was that day. 

It's been vintage coffeeing for free for the mental. It's not possible to do it every week anymore, but the sight off that, and all the compliments for my cherry (From a can, not fresh) cake made my day. It's been decadent, chique almost vintage and classy, and my fellow clients didn't have to pay a dime for enjoying coffee with cake that saturday. There was a time when I had a baking for them almost every week, and in between weekends if I felt like it and I had time. But this massive economic crisis has made that impossible for me. I only still bake at occasions. 

Sunday has been for having coffee with an acquaintance, who I have been knowing for quite long. I invited her for coffee on Sunday. It's been a good weekend. Despite Sunday afternoon has been all rain. 

de Boed has a few broken vans. They had trouble transporting people to the location previous week. Let's keep it at that. And my Wednesday Soup has been cancelled a few times in a row. Other than that, I had little trouble with Mercury retrograding in Taurus. There has been no reason to think the superstition in the air from a few weeks ago would have been something bad for me. 

So I am doing allright, despite everything. I have been seeing my mental nurse this week, since I have been feeling a bit wobbly when it comes to mental stuff. But maybe it's due to being surrounded by a beautifull flower garden in May, everything lands on it's four leggs. And little damage was caused these weeks. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   


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