vrijdag 12 mei 2023

The river dragon


Sometimes I feel different from people, not like the others. I’m unusual, someone who barely fits among people. 

I feel like a dragon in human form. A river dragon like described in Asian mythology: Wise, free, magical, on the hunt for treasures and adventures, helpful, giving, an old soul and polite, but don’t mess with me! 

I’m free from any man, free from social morals and I feel I’m free from duties most people seem to have. An outlaw, still wealthy in a poor time, Into beauty my style, art, the romantic, the mystic, otherworldly but not pretty and petite. I feel like an electric storm rather than a fairy. 

I’m short tempered and I don’t let myself being bound by the wrong. I have never met the right people. Therefore I feel strange from most people. Still  I feel close to the beautiful aspects off nature, like flowers, stars, the moon, and I’m somewhat spiritual. I live in a romantic looking apartment situated near a beautiful, old fashioned garden. I share in my wealth, and I feel and have always felt somewhat different than other people. I do well, above and below the usuall. I don’t feel human, 

I feel like I’m an old river dragon in human form. 

Alright, that’s about it- 

Thank you for reading.  

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