maandag 6 januari 2025

Good morning at the 6th off January, 2025.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's dark and stormy outside tonight. 


There's something I don't like to keep from you, my Christmas 2024 cake: 

It's been a true masterpiece that came out perfectly off it's Wilton Christmas tree mold. It's been a work off love and charity. With money that was donated to me by friends who love my baking, and eggs from a rich friend who often comes by and has her own chickens. Fresh as can be. I got a lot off baking friends since they all love to eat it. It's the quark cake with dried prunes and golden raisins, and this one had hazelnuts in it. And yes, most came from donated money. This cake has become so pricey, it's a Christmas thing for me nowadays, just like my fresh banana cake. It's always the perfect stunt when it comes out perfectly off it's mold. I just decorated it with icing sugar. 

Some people had three slices off this, they thought it was that perfectly good. And I allowed them, since I'm generous with these. I don't like it when something is left. It's my biggest pride when it all got finished. And the plates are returned empty. 

Maybe these just being for Christmas gives them something special, and it makes my audience even more gratefull it's not plain raisin cake, to be honest I became sort off bored making these. But maybe I was about to develop new receipes. - It's just not possible anymore due to finances. But these are winning teams, always good for satisfied eaters, so these are the Christmas cakes for now, in beautifull molds. Since they deserve that. It's a bit pricey to develop something new when it can fail at the moment. That would be too much off a bad thing due to costs. So the trusted receipes it is. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading! 

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