woensdag 22 januari 2025

Good morning at the 22nd off January, 2025.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's the death off night, but it's promising to become as cold and misty as yeaterday. It's almost haunted outside. 


I can't sleep. There's something in the air. Today will be for tidying my kitchen. There's not much else to do. It's not the greatest foresight one can have, but the result should be good. Clean kitchen, space for more cooking. And the great feeling off a clean surface. It's still messed up from dinner last night. It's messy still. I can't immediately clean after dinner, I need the moening after to do so. Usually I'm too tired at night after eating. I'm not a brilliant home maker. But I do my utmost best at the moment. It's usually with a little help. And it's important enough to notice on here. I got a lovely home, it's nicely furnitured and decorated, so I like to keep it clean and groomed. I'm far from perfect at it, but maintaining this is bliss. I swear, your own home is bliss. 

Faun will attempt The Netherlands this September, and since I'm the big Super Diva everyone is waiting to see there, I better deny getting there on this weblog. I won't be there. The last time was a disaster, it's where my missery with Vana started. So to avoid situations and nasty people, I better don't show up there and keep my ass out off trouble. Faun was something from a previous life. I won't be there. 

Allright, that's about it for now - 

Thank you for reading. 

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