dinsdag 4 oktober 2022

Good evening at the 4th off October, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's a beautifull Autumn day again. Autumn this year is so much more beautifull than spring or summer. It's almost romantic outside. In a positive way, not in a depressing way. It's so romantic I'd almost wish I had a boyfriend. But this year makes me enjoy this gorgeous Autumn alone.


Autumn is so beautifull, and Putin and the crisis can't take this away from us no matter how hard they try. 

Today was for finding I had healthy finances again, so I purchased the applepie book I have been craving for a while, aside two affordable cookbooks on soup. I'm a soupchef, so new inspiration always comes in handy. When my ankle was just broken, I have been looking up all kinds off soup cookbooks for when I was capable to prepare my Wednesday Soup again. One off the soup cookbooks is purely vegetarian, So I'll probably do good for the environment too if I'm going to use that, though I have to be honest with you and tell you that I use meat in my soups and most off my soups are on a chicken broth base since I find that the most tastefull for most soups. Vegetable broth isn't hearthy enough most off the time. And I shamelessly adjust meatballs or chicken meat to some off my soups. This week will be for stripes off bacon siding the soup since I will make creamy potato soup with bacon. I'm not a vegetarian to be honest. 

Preparing soup every week is still fun for me to do, so I hope I can make my 5th anniversary with it. I have been keeping up with it for 2 years now, and I have fans for my soup so it's been a good idea to start it. And beyond my 5th anniversary. I love serving people a bowl full off comfort every week. 

This week is for creamy potato soup, which is a receipe I will try for the first time. We're in the middle off a crisis and groceries are expensive as hell. So I decided on a soup with less expensive ingredients but still with a lot off taste if all goes well. I will prepare it with herbs from de Boed's herb planters. I wish to continue my soup every week, even if the crisis hits us hard. Next month we will get paid more, but this month it's still dealing with a bitch off a crisis and I'm proud I can withstand it. Next week will be for tomato soup. I feel a bit guilty about the soup to be as cheap ass as this week. But it's probably perfect for a crisis like we're in at the moment. I just hope my tomato soup won't hurt in de Boed's wallet. It will be made with fresh tomatoes and vegetable broth since I find that suitable for a sweet tomato soup. If the potato soup is good, though, I might also plan it in January since it's a perfect comfort soup for winter as far as I can see the receipe. Every soup is diffrent and can't be compared to one another, I just hope they are good in their own fashion and I have nothing to feel guilty about tomorrow. Potatoes and tomatoes- It's the old question. 

It's going to be an art to make potato soup with cheap ingredients taste restaurant worthy. Since that's going to be my challenge tomorrow. 

Allright, that's about it for now-

Thank you for reading.   

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