woensdag 5 oktober 2022

Good evening at the 5th off October, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's windy and cloudy, and it's cold outside. 


All my worries about the creamy potato soup with bacon where unnecessiary. It was a delicious soup which was enjoyed by everyone who had a bowl off it. I was very content with it myself, too. I never thought I would be a volunteer soup chef one day when I'd grow up. But I'm a good one and I can make this basic potato soup taste like heaven for people. It was a good idea. 

The rest off this day was spend watching netflix and I love watching movies on it. Instead off being bored and worrying all the time, I got something to do when I'm home alone. It's been a good idea from my caretakers to allow me netflix. I did myself a big favor when I purchased a smart TV. Christmas and romantic comedies are a perfect way to spend my free time. I would love a good christmas period this year since it wasn't much off a good year this year, and I'm probably not the only one who has experienced it that way. I could use some christmas romance. (If not a boyfriend, then hopefully the feeling off a romantic christmas.) I shouldn't forget to bake de Boed christmas treats this year. In real life, it's not christmas yet and we're at the point where an autumn treat would be more suitable. 

It's probably a good idea to fix a pot off pumpkin soup for de Boed this month. But next week will probably be for tomato soup. People love tomato soup and they are already looking forward to it. All the praise makes it fun to be a soup chef. One way or another I have the feeling I can't be missed for too long if I'd ever plan to leave it here. Good for them I'm not going anywhere soon and I can make soup depite to be still in walking plaster with my right foot. It's Buddhistic wisdom the world still turns without you. But somehow I have the feeling I would take away some comfort every week from them if I would vanish from this world. 

I do a bit better when it comes to medication enlowering. Still they are discussing wheter I should take it all in the morning, or I should be on less off it given the events from previous weekend. Where I was doing incredibly bad and thought I was hexed by someone. This week all got a bit better. I don't feel so bad anymore. Soon I will be on the last step off to be off off Pallyperidone and then I have to see if I can do without. Due to it enhighering a hormone in my blood. I have to take a bloodtest after I'm off off it to see if I do well now with what I've got. Mental medication is such a bitch most off the time. And enlowering it sure sucks. A benefit from changing meds, is that I seem to lose weight. Finally. It's a torture to be this fat due to medication. I haven't done anything special to lose weight, and it goes pretty fast. So I'm somehow certain it's always been medication that has made me this fat. Caretakers are proud off me over it. I make them proud simply by battling medication enlowering. Not because off a diet or a sports routine. I can't say it's easy, but it's not a lot off hard work on it either. 

That's about it for now-

Thank you for reading.  

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