zondag 16 februari 2020
A storm named Dennis.
Good evening / night everyone.
A little talk about my day, and yesterday.
It's about 00.36 A.M in the Netherlands, and it's- windy and stormy outside. I'm unstable because off that. I have A hard time these days with my mental health. I feel A bit nervous because off these storms that have been around lately.
Most good ideas off today contained food, and ideas about what to prepare and what to eat, as soon as I can get my hands on the ingredients. My period is over, yet the drive to eat is big. (The worst part is gone though. I'm no longer in the mood to eat a whole package off cookies or entire bars off chocolate.) I guess it comes with feeling unstable, but at least I feel more motivated to do things these days.
A little walk to the supermarket, which was pretty far away yesterday, and to get my copy off their free monthly receipe magazine, and next stop to the nearest flowershop and bought myself some pretty flowers. That was on Valentines day. I didn't have A valentine, (I have done something fun with someone at work earlier this week, but that's still to find out what I think off him, and I'm not sure whetheter I'm ready for love or even a flirt like that. It was something fun though.)
Well, I didn't have an official valentine, sometimes people have to buy themselves gifts to cheer up their day. It was such nice weather for a walk, especially if you compare it to the current circumstances. It's as if an entire tree could be blown away by this type off wind.
Today was a day for comfy clothes and messy hair. I could only set myself to put some laundry in the laundry dryer. I have been just sitting on my couch and had fights with voices, and felt a bit down the entire day. But the food served at 'de Boed.' community centre was perfect this evening. red cabbage, oven baked potatoes and a fresh schnitzel straight from the butcher, with some curry (kerrie) sauce freshly made by them. It's not always like that at 'de Boed.' it depends on who is cooking there. We had luck today. I enjoyed my food, and had fun talks and a little cup off coffee after dinner, it gave a little silver lining to this laid back day.
come to speak off it- I'm thinking off having a dinner party one off these weeks, simply for the fun off cooking and the fun off having guests over to serve my food to and entertain them a bit. I couldn't set myself to clean my filthy bathroom today, but to cook my guests a good dinner is probably not that much off an issue. I feel like taking more long walks through the city every often, to stretch my leggs and to stay fit instead off getting more fat. But those are all plans for when 'Dennis.' is over, and decides to lay down.
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