maandag 12 april 2021

Good evening at the 12th off April, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

It´s cold and rainy outside. Sometimes there are hints off sunshine through it, but it´s mainly incredibly cold if you go outside, even when the sun comes through. Corona intensive care numbers shoot through the roof, and quarantaine isn´t relieved from us the upcomming period. I was a bit optimistic two posts ago. I wonder how much people end up with chronicall depression from a period off time like this. Life can´t be harder at the moment for a lot off people. Sometimes it´s hard to see the light in a dark time. But in case off crisises like this, it´s best to turn to hobbies to keep yourselves busy and to keep spirits high somewhat. 


I´m doing somewhat fine despite it being a crisis since I live and lived constantly with crisis and despair from youth on. I have become stronger over time and learned not to turn to the outside world to deal with things, but simply go inside and turn to food, or time with family, music, new books or creativity instead off looking for the world outside to keep yourself distracted all the time. It works to be a homebody these days. It might take some time if you are not used to it, but I can recommend people to start lively lives inside if you can. Offcourse I feel with the victims and those who took loss. But I´m not broken because off the crisis.    

Today was for grocery shopping and for quark tart making. Forest fruit quark tart from frozen fruits from the supermarket without a package with instructions. Just fresh ingredients and a receipe from a website and my own insights. It has a beautifull purple colour and tomorrow I will finish it by decorating it with fresh strawberries which are comming to taste with a hint off sugar this night. 

I chopped strawberries from two packages in half and adjusted a large tablespoon off sugar to two bowls off strawberries. The method now is that they will release juices which will come to taste with the sugar over time. This will take at least three hours, but a whole night gives it just that extra. I could have adjusted a splash off lemon juice over each bowl for extra taste, since lemon juice enhances tastes. But I left it out this evening. Just a hint off sugar and their juices might do it this night. This method also works with frozen fruits. (Which are much cheaper to purchase from a supermarket most off the time) This method even brings the most sour greenhouse grown strawberry to taste. 

I used fresh strawberries to stunt with since I´m a hobby cook and this is for the ´sports.´ sake. I want to make an impression with it tomorrow. So fresh strawberries all the way from Spain it was. Tomorrow I hope my plan will come togheter and my quark tart will take flight and do it´s best to relief rainy corona quarantine blues at de Boed. All off this helps me cope since I´m buisy with my hobby, and it helps people who attend there to cope with a bad time and I hope they just enjoy their slices off exclusively decorated quark tart. I make a difference between this and quark cake since that´s something else in my universe. That´s more off a cake on quark base. Sometimes Cakes, Tarts, and Pies are all Taart to Dutch people. Since we have one collective name to most bakings from a round baking tin. It's not handy if you wish to use the correct English term for what you're making. In which case you can have almost three to four terms for diffrent things. Quark tart comes close to cheesecake but then mainly based on quark, but actuall quark cake is a cake based on quark as it's almost main ingredient. It could be confusing to some. 

However, keep your spirits high, and make a few off either off those for yourself and those around you as long as the crisis takes place and make people happy with it. Don't let yourselves be down because off all off this, that's not worthit in the long term off life. Baking might have safed my life this entire crisis I believe. Tomorrow I will plant a picture off my creation on this weblog for you to see what I've made. I'm thát proud off it.       

Allright, that's about it for now. Thank you for reading. 

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