dinsdag 20 april 2021

Tired all the time lately - And a switch in religious vieuws.

Good evening everyone, 

It's sunny in the Netherlands. Rays off sunshine have found us and the Corona lockdown will be less than it was starting wednesday. Numbers to hospital intake haven't got decreased but the government saw space to lift some pressure off our shoulders. I don't know if that was a good idea but maybe it was because off preasure from the people who couldn't take it anymore. But I'm not certain about that. 


I have been exhausted these days. I have been working hard and running around from appointment to appointment (Most off them where medical) and I've been on my legs for de Boed sometimes. I feel like I can barely lift my head from my pillow each morning these days. I wish I could sleep in the entire weekend but I have an appointment with the opticien for picking out new glasses upcoming saturday, and tomorrow I'll be on my feet for Wednesday Soup at de Boed. We'll have fresh chickensoup with fresh vegetables and chicken breast in it. I picked a receipe from the Soup Bible. I'm a bit irreligious, that's why I decided on to collect the entire cook-bible series, despite needing more space in my book case, or a few extra shelves for that. I'm on my way by owning about 7 or 8 off them allready. I don't want to insult anyone who is truly religious, But cooking bibles are truly divine inspiration if you use them well. 

Speaking off which, I have changed my religious vieuw from paganism rather to Buddhism, despite Buddha not being a true god but an inspirator. I feel Buddhism suits me better and gives some true wisdom and ways to deal with the worst hardships I've had in life. It rather focusses on personal growth and personal improvement instead off a nature religion I couldn't truly get the feeling to. Buddhism striked right to my heart with it's wisdom and felt right from the moment I started to read some off it's wisdoms and proverbs. It soothes my anger and teaches me methods to deal with pain. It's so amazingly truthfull and warming, I take it's lessons slowly and one by one simply because I don't want to over dose myself but truly take things in. Buddhism is more my personal thing than Paganism has ever been. It's no religion, it's a way off personal growth and it gives ways to handle the world and I love it. It's getting enlightned with a wonderfull 'bite.' to it since it challenges you to see things more wise and mature. 

Those off you who know me from internet fora probably think a bit weird off that, but it works for me since fora on the internet where rather bringing out the worse I could be with all the frustration and anger people caused me by being so ignorant and coming off annoying to me. I believe a way to handle both (Simply it telling me to never come back and turn my back to people who turn their back to me- It's something I've always felt but now something has told me and it was perfect to take that in that way) is very welcome for someone like me. I prefer yellow and orange and a more positive vieuw on the world over black and purple from now on. Namaste! 

Allright, that's about it for now. - Thank you for reading.  


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