maandag 12 april 2021

Issues with my mental cheer-ups

 Good evening everyone, 

I'm having a few issues with my strive to cheer up everyone at de Boed, community centre in rainy and locked down Zaandijk in the Netherlands with good foods, since I'm not allowed to cook during weekends anymore and they only want me to make them soup every wednesday. 

Is that due to me doing bad on something? Err, no. The main point is that they are out off staff to help me cooking and baking for them every week. Previous month untill easter I could be found almost every weekend in their kitchen to prepare dinner or a dessert for them, but the party is over so far. I bale a bit because off that. My fellow patients love my cooking, just as most staff who eats along during weekends. I have fans.  

de Boed is doing bad with staff since some off them have physicall health issues, and one got retired previous month and they simply are under employed during weekends. They don't have time for me and my work. What am I to do with that? Simply undergo this mundial crisis like that and let people be cranky and sad because off it? I have no solution soon, especially since my oven also broke down and I have to let them miss my home made bakings too. Life is not fair sometimes. But I don't want to hear that. 

'Life is tough, my darling- But so are you.' 

Tomorrow we'll have our second vaccine at de Boed. In this case we're lucky to be psychiatric patients who are signed up for vaccines by an organisation. If it all works out well, I won't get sick again from it. Corona is one off the least off my personal concerns, ironically. I survived it so my immune system does a lot off work for me already. I think I'm going to serve them a lot off non-baking tarts the upcomming period and see if I can experiment with ingredients to make it better time by time. I hope that does it for now. 

Allright, that's about it for now. Thank you for reading.  

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