maandag 5 april 2021

Good evening at the 5th off April, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Weather circumstances this second day off easter where dramatic and to feel depressed about, if it wasn´t easter today. It´s probably a Dutch habbit to make two days off important holidays. I´ve heard the rest off the world isn´t up for that, but I´m not completely sure about that. We had wet snow storms today. It´s downright a drama so to say.  

I feel satisfied about my easter. There where two days off it and two days off perfect home cooked meals with desserts made by me at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. First day off easter they performed my idea and gave everyone hasselback potatoes, a salad and half a chicken roasted in the oven. I loved it since I love to eat chicken and such a huge treat isn´t cooked for us every day. It was perfectly easter, perfectly festive. I could eat all off mine while some people had trouble eating all off it. I missed eating chicken like that for a while since they never serve it that way. What a treat! 

My dessert was home made chocolate mousse served in festive dessert cups with whipped cream and a small easter egg situated in the middle with all cups. I have been beating mousse made off eggs and sugar for almost half an hour (So it felt.) My arms where quite soar from doing so but it was worthit and it got appreciated. 

Second day off easter (today) was for roullade, small potatoes and aspargus swimming in their sauce and it was good. I enjoyed my meal and I love aspargus when they are cooked well and brought well to taste. 

Our dessert was a lemon quark tart made by me, decorated with tiny white chocolate hearts (My signature decoration for non bake tarts like that. It´s easy and it never misses it´s point.) and it was the perfect ending to a good easter meal. My quark tarts are famous among de Boed and I made so much people could have two servings off it. People enjoyed their meal and that is a perfect way to cope with snow storms during easter. I believe in good meals and perfect desserts to handle nasty weather circumstances and it´s a point which has never missed its proove in this wet and rainy ´frog country.´ As how we call it ourselves. 

Dutch kitchen is quite sober, I would advocate for more extensive cooking and less boring desserts to hopefully make people less cranky and more compete with life. It´s a pity if you compare us to other European countries. People, make (more) work off your food. I would almost swear you´d feel better by it. Is there any better way than to spend a rainy sunday preparing a good meal and ending it with enjoying your work? But that´s my opinion. 

 I´m probably a bit old fashioned that way. But I believe in taking action to take away your feelings off being unsatisfied with life by taking a bit more action if you can. Easter was nevertless succesfull in terms off food. I can´t promise them to help each holiday since I have a family that wishes to see me every now and then during those days, but it was fun and I somehow felt better helping de Boed with desserts than to be bored and a bit out off place at my family home. I decided to visit them next week, however. To make up for that and to see how they are doing. They forgave me for not being there this year on forehand, luckily.  

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