dinsdag 3 augustus 2021

Good afternoon at the 3th off August, 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today was cold and cloudy. In ancient Ireland, Lughnassadh (Which was the 2nd off August) marks the beginning off Celtic autumn and this year you could defenetely sense a change in the atmosphere by that mark off the sunwheel. I wish to try to be pagan, despite not much pagans like me back. I'm probably a bit too much off a temper for them but it's legid to celebrate this and the 8 solar solictices each year despite to have turned my back to CF and Vana. It's a public good for those who wish to believe. It's not Vana's property. 

But so far, you can almost sense autumn has started early this year and there haven't been a true summer in general. 


This evening was for trying baked fruit out off my oven and it was a nice dessert. I got that from 'The naked chef.' (Jamie Oliver's first book.) and I dolled it up with whipped cream. Almost unnecessairy to say it was good and as soon as I find out how to bake them perfect, I'm going to give this a try as the end off a home dinner with people I wish to invite after the Corona Crisis is gone. It wouldn't have been me if I wouldn't have taken pictures off this dessert. 

The oven baked peaches could have been a little more oven baked, but they where juicy, sweet and warm. And the whipped cream probably did it in this dessert. I have to find it out myself for the biggest part, and next time probably plums and apricots aside to the peaches. Jamie Oliver says you can also side this with a scoop off ice cream or sweetened creme fraiche and that makes a lot off possibilities. It's not a solid receipe, mainly an idea on which you can work on to create an endless variety off desserts. That's one off the concepts why I love 'the Naked chef.' because off the variety off endless ideas rather than the receipes. It just hands out basic ideas which you can work out further. For a tuesday evening this wasn't bad, maybe it can be a little more but that depends on finding out how. I could doll up a plate with several sweet fruits and whipped cream or ice cream. 'The naked cheff.' wants people to try out things and vary with ideas. The sky is the limit? Well, close to it. Baked fruit is a good basic concept. 

Aside to baked fruit, I have been working my new job as a jewelry maker in a shop which provides day care for mentally handicapped people in Wormerveer. It's cozy and approachable. For me it's agreeable to work there and I prefer to work over staying at home all the time. I make them nice jewelry which is always appreciated and is sold in their shop nowadays. It was exhausting but I did my best today. I have low energy, but to work feels better for me than to do nothing. It's not an officially paid job but it's allright for what I'm doing.  

Allright, that's about it - 

Thank you for reading. 

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