zaterdag 31 juli 2021

Good afternoon at the 31st off July, 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It rains like fall has just begun. It hasn't been a true summer at all this year. 


I haven't been to the local market today, yesterday I talked markets right in heaven but today I just felt like being at home and relax a bit and then have lunch at de Boed. I couldn't set myself to going to the local market, though it's a good and fun thing to do for most people. I don't know why I have been like that. 

I have been tired a lot and I solved it by sleeping more during daytime. More rest after morning coffee and during afternoon before dinner. It's not very sportive, but it's needed to handle a day when you have schizophrenia and are on heavy medications like me. You need your rest and that makes you less capable to move around a lot. 

Oh well, nothing really bad came from not going to the market. I have food on stock and can rely on de Boed for food and other supplies, and I have my cozy home to feel relaxed and less stressfull than a market. Sometimes it's good to keep on seeing the positive, despite there has been a fall back but maybe I was just lazy this morning. 

So today there wasn't much to do but just having lunch and coffee. Life is tiresome most off the time. To sleep is sometimes the only answer. 

Allright, that's about it- Thank you for reading. 

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