dinsdag 6 juli 2021

Good evening at the 5th off July, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, (I made this message yesterday, but I forgot while browsing the internet and shutting down the computer afterward. I'm about to post it today, at the 6th. But it's about the 5th.) 

The weather has been again perfect swamp-weather. It was cloudy with a bit off rain but it was warm in general. I think we should be lucky not to be a victim to huge rain storms in the rest off the country which have caused a huge flood in other places. 


Today was for grocery shopping. I wish I wasn't so blunt at the internet at times, it's funny but who cares about grocery shopping? It's the best effin enlivening story you'd read today: Went grocery shopping on a cold and rainy monday. -Tissues please.- My bankcard still doesn't work - Now it gets exciting- My Accountant has laid the problem at the bank. I had to pay with cash I had still safed somewhere. -Background music.- And I bought... -Tatatada- Bananas, some honey and some dates. - End off the story.-  Starring: / Care taker 1./ Care taker 2. / A white van/ The van driver./ Fellow patients./ Me./ (We always get there driven in a white van.) It's the mundane for me, just like banana cake. 

Sometimes I wonder if I should get myself into bored housewife behaviour. Reading bouquet books, getting rid off medication and start drinking sherry and white wine, Start wearing marigolds- It would not make sense but it's what I associate the supermarket with. Every day women with a '50's attire (Heavy make-up, dresses with approns, marigolds and pearl or loud necklaces and earrings.) getting bored throughout their day. But my idea off the supermarket is an outdated one. Supermarkets don't want to be known as an old fashioned place. They are very tolerant to everyone I hope to believe, so also for people like us to do our groceries every monday. The only reason I'd like to associate myself with that is that life is mundane at some point and supermarkets are part off that. I shouldn't complain since I got driven there in a white van with other people with issues. That's not mundane. Sometimes the mundane is a safe place where people can come to rest. Still, among washing liquid, tomatoes, magazines and other usefull everyday products I associate it with mundane and probably a bit dull. But it's not cool to make fun off usefull supermarkets. They are incredibly needed for most people. 

The best part off the supermarkt is their fresh items counter. I love fresh nuts and chocolates and fresh breads and all other yummy stuff that's made almost fresh there, comming to a great smell. That's a good thing about everyday supermarkets. And washing liquid, tomatoes and magazines are needed. I think soon I'll get someone at the supermarket catching me among the tomato storage asking me why I'm dumb laughing so hard at the vegetables. Veggies are cool. I hope the supermarket won't be offended by this blog. 

Life gets by every day. It's going allright. I'm not heavily off set, but I have to take on it easily. Today was a bit nasty for me since I dropped on the pavement during a walk. I have a few nasty bruised spots on my left leg which will probably turn blue. It was a nasty fall and I needed a moment to get over with the shock. It's not broken, luckily. The pavement where I live is somewhat uneven everywhere. I dropped more often around this area. During winter I was all bruised because off it. (Don't laugh.) And I hear several people complaining about uneven pavements.    

Allright, that's about it- Thank you for reading. (The story for today will eventually follow.)        

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