donderdag 29 juli 2021

Vana Events sucks

 Good evening everyone, 

This evening was bright and sunny, there was no rain and it felt nice to be outside. 


Reading this weblog, it looks like ice coffee. The background resembles a perfect frappé if you take a good look at it. I don't know why anyone would do that, it doesn't look as fancy as the previous background, It's just the header with the birds and my colourings that looks better. Not if you read my endless stories about life. Damn it, badly choosen. 

About more than half off my problems on the internet would not excist if people wheren't such self-righteous, easily offended morons, but would take it with a sense off humor. That might have even been the clue to that whole Vana Events drama. Vana sucks major ass when it comes to this, they're easily offended, prissy and a bit stupid. They don't listen to what I had to say and they didn't take it very well when I came back to make up. They have a brick wall in front off their head. I wouldn't have bursted out in anger if they would have listened to me and understood what I said. It would have made things much easier. Now their precious Tinky Winky runs off with another woman, leaving my reputation torn apart and me in despair while when I come to think off it- I didn't even like the guy for real. It just blew my mind what was going on and I should be glad he picked a pretty blonde slut over me. Vana is guilty to a lot off things and they don't listen. It's getting all more insane by the minute. I'm glad I have gone off but it has ruined me in several ways to have befallen victim to them. I wish they would listen to my side off the story and take me more serious as it's batshit what's going on in their mind nowadays about me. - And not in a cool way. I'm upset about it. Offcourse I'm upset. What made them think I would take this neatly and not complain? It's not common to be such a morron like them. I don't like to be part off their cheap bullshit anymore. I became a mental and physicall wreck while it all happened. I'm finally getting out off it these days with help from mental health care- look where it brought me. It's all as insane and inappropriate as their behaviour and I hate them taking on this so lame. I wish I was listned to better and communicating with them wasn't so damn hard. I suppose they never took real education in communication skills for companies like you're suppose to do when you start one and what's with all the gossip a few years ago when I heard people saying everything was 'good.' again? That's not 'good.' That's nasty playing in my opinion. They suck ass. This shouldn't be found funny, it should be taken in account for them but I wish they would treat ME with more respect and tell me and appologize to ME. That would be behaviour to be proud off. This what they do at the current moment is just getting me more angry and frustrated all the time. They don't react and they think they are a whole lot better than me and that's not right. Their arrogance can light up the sky where they live and make space ships dizzy. 

I have been right for about ten years. 

Allright, that's about it-

Thank you for reading.  

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