donderdag 22 juli 2021

Good afternoon at the 22th off July, 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's hot yet not too hot outside. It's pretty warm but it's not truly sunny. It's said tomorrow there will be rain. The country in this area needs it since it's dry outside. I'm lucky there is no flood around here, but a little rain over here won't hurt so to say. 


I have my bank account working for me. The bank card arrived and I have acces to it again. I'm glad the trouble with that is over. The first thing I bought with what's been saving up is the book about the tortoise cat wandering around Tokio. (In  English: The cat and the city by Nick Bradley. In het Nederlands: De kat en de stad - Nick Bradley) I hope it's as nice to read as I think. Aside to some other books and a stock off every day conditioner. I decided to head to another website and bought myself a usefull bracelet with semi-gemstones and then I decided to put my bank card aside again and keep what I safed for other purposes. I think it would be a good idea to get some cash from what I safed up just in case an emergency breaks out again. And then celebrate my birthday with what's left. I have a little money to buy my guests some nice cake and hopefully treat them to a nice day the sunday after the 5th off August. The 5th itself I wish to treat de Boed some nice chocolates for everyone. I have the idea the upcomming period will be a good one. I don't believe in being materalistic, but it's good to have acces to your bank account for everyday use. 

It's summer, it's warm outside. I'm not going to endlessly fuss over a home made birthday cake but get some nice bought cakes to keep me from overworking myself in the summer heath. That's simply not going to do it for me. I make treats year round, but at my very own birthday at August 5th it's often way too hot in my kitchen to make something for my guests. Even I have to admit you can't break through every wall you wish to if that's not possible. I had planned to make them something but as far as I can see- I prefer to go the easy way. 

Today was for massive washing up in my kitchen and making an easy dough in my food processor for cookies with my self selected spice mix. The dough is stiffening in my refridgerator and I believe I'll bake it this evening or tomorrow for de Boed to enjoy with their coffee the next day. I have a wide range off cookiecutters. I had a period off time where I enjoyed collecting them from almost every store I went with a kitchen supply deppartment, I have an incredible lot but I stopped collecting them. It's handy to have them on hand when you're about to bake fresh sand cookies. I even own a helicopter. I have an old cookbook where it's said you should always have a cake and an applepie in your freezer/ refridgerator, and a stock off home made sandcookies on hand in your jar. Somewhere in a land before time when people made all their treats themselves. I don't know if it's a good idea- it's probably when you have kids and a lot off guests over at your house a lot. In my case it would probably be a waste since I don't have that luck. And in modern times, most treats are store bought. (Home made is always better, but most people don't have time for that in their lives.) Old uses be old. Otherwise it would be a challenge to keep that on stock. Maybe that's how the book prefers people to live- make a lot off what's written in it. 

And maybe that's a thing during summer. It's not as culinairy as autumn or early winter despite there being a lot off harvest from the land. It's not easy to cook when it's incredibly hot outside. In autumn and even late winter, people probably feel more for it. When it's easy to move. But maybe that's cultural/ area off the world decided and maybe I just speak for myself as it's not a proven theory. I just think other people would know perfectly what to do with summer goods. Strawberry tart, or peach pie, or something containing fruits de mer (Seafoods) and all those culinairy receipes for the barbecue to have been around these years. It's a thing to make barbecued foods fancy and dolled up with all kinds off dishes, sauces and side dishes. I have no acces to a barbecue but it's even a thing to roast watermellons on the barbecue. Well, I would know what summer contains when it comes to food. Last year I made a lot off healthy yoghurt creamsicles. That's also part off summer. It's not hard to come up with. Summer contains a lot off fresh and healthy foods. 

Medication enlowering is a bit hard. I feel unstable but I have the urge to keep going on until it's stabilized and feel more lightned up on the inside. I have to talk about things with people. I believe people have no realistic clue on how hard I'm always doing on the inside when they meet me but it's a thing I prefer to keep a secret most off the time. I do hard speaking up in real life. On the internet it's diffrent but mainly I'm to be found annoying by people who do hard getting what's going on. Or who would mock me anyway. I never had a chance to explain myself, I was to be found hated upon before I would know what was going on to begin with in some circles. I haven't had a real chance to prove myself and I won't seek after that again as their reaction to it annoys me and is hatefull most off the time. Shame on Vana Events and it's fans. They start to be a tad too superficial recently. On top off their mainly hatefull behaviour. It makes them shallow and annoying. Why not keep an open mind on people who do hard in life and have less, or don't look good in their opinion? How hard could it be to be there for the disabled instead off choking them out and think they are weird? I think that's no attitude when you are to be found weird yourself often. Take note off those who need it. And be really a brave, strong celt, viking or whatever you wish to be. Don't look away from people who do hard in life. 

The world doesn't need more ego, the world needs more heart. A heart for people doing hard, not a superficial attitude towards them as that's despicable. I hope people still have that somewhere inside them. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.   

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