zondag 11 juli 2021

Coffee with a vintage twist

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today was cloudy with here and there some rain. It was no thunderstorm like the forecast in the newspaper told us, but it's not much off a weather to enhance a positive mood today. 


To keep the spirit up at de Boed, and to keep myself from dying inside, I made a date and pecan cake for them. 

It was perfect and I felt almost suprised by the light texture I managed to give it. Its taste was divine. It's receipe comes from 'de Bakbijbel.' by Rutger van den Broek ( https://rutgerbakt.nl/ -Website in Dutch only-)- A famous Dutch baking chef who has won a TV-program in 2013. I'm a fan off his work and I make it often for de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. 

de Boed had super cute vintage pastry plates, which gave it just that extra touch for this afternoon. It gave a nostalgia feeling like the images from my new vintage coffee book. - I'm a bit off a vintage / retro girl at times. In music and in classic style. Look at that:  

I couldn't be happier about something today. These plates combined with the cake just do it. People complimented me all the time about my cake. There's nothing better than this at times for me. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 
Thank you for reading. 

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