zondag 25 juli 2021

Good evening at the 25th off July, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's raining and thunderstorming incredibly right now, it's a massive rainstorm and I hope those plants are happy now with their extra water. 


Today I started a new novel about a cat and it's owner travelling Japan. It's written by a Japanese author and I have been buying it among my other book, The cat and the city. 

I think I might have caught up on a cold. It's about time to start to wear at least a raincoat this season and my common pair off shoes. Flipflops are a bit too optimistic, just like not wearing anything over my ordinairy clothes. I like it to rain massively right now. If anything, rain is perfect weather for warm tea. 

There where years where drought was incredible, this is a year for rain and clouds. 

I don't know if it's my mind, but some people are taking prudeness to a next level. I'm prude, but some people make it a game to keep themselves from all kinds off luxury and extra's in life because they think it's 'unsuitable.' I don't believe in overly sexualizing things, that simply doesn't work for me- But some types appear a bit bitter because they almost push themselves into a behaviour so rigid it seems to come from another time. Some people might say that about me, I'm the one to wear long pyjama pants and tidy pyjama shirts, (it's a habbit that comes from living in a care home) instead off sleeping in the nude and I have never been with a man 'like that.' Because off reasons. I have kept myself from that for my own sake. But now about those types who make it a game to declare everything you consider a little extra in life vulgair. I believe they can't find satisfaction in their own life and start gossiping about my life all the time to keep their hands clean for themselves. They aren't anything better than you or me. And most off all- ridiculous alternatives are guilty to this most. But should we take that scum serious with this? I don't think so. 

If there is any good example off a prude and pure life- then it's probably me when I'm at my best. They have shoven too much in my innocent shoes to still believe me. But I'm not vulgair by any means. I should know better than to still hang on to that. It should have been clear to me I was not welcome the first time I got onto that. It would have been much more clear that way but they're hypocrit. If they would have told me honestly, I would have stayed away. Honesty is one off the most important things for me in life. But alternatives are a bit half hearted when it comes to that. Honesty? Nowhere in sight. I'm talking about hardcore goths and metalfans, and then those idiotic weeaboos with their Anime and Manga obsession. They share the most horrendous stories for attention. Their mindset is crooked and it's not a good thing. Psychiatrist? A good ampull off medication injected in your fragile body you mean. And now shut up. Be brave, be honest, do the right thing- always. Calling themselves honourable and fair is a bridge too far for my down to earthness. I'm spiritual but I don't make it a puppet show like some do. And all they can do is hate on me and shower me with disgust, for to have been honest to Vana. It's not right with me what happened. But if you seek for honesty and fairness- don't go among their kind, you won't find it there. It's dubble hearted and sick in a wrong way. 

About me... 

The rain has stopped entirely. This weekend was for lentilsoup, books about cats in Japan, coffee, oranges and a small birthdayparty at de Boed. Nothing more than that happened. I might be too honest at times, I can take more pain than most humans find acceptable, I have my scars, you're dealing with someone who knows how to protect herself when you're fooling with me. I try to be straightforward but sometimes fate wants me to play. I try to go wholehearted for what I believe in and then find myself slamming against concrete walls. From people who don't understand or who are afraid off me. Most off the time I drink coffee and enjoy living in my appartment. Not doing much but enjoy collecting cookbooks on the internet or cd's. That's mainly what I do. Right now I have my eyes on Jamie Oliver and his work. It's incredibly expensive on the online shop where I mainly buy it, they have a copy off 'The naked cheff.' at de Boed where I first saw it and I like that certain cookbook. I love the philosophy in that cookbook about fresh foods. I don't come off as much when I pretend to be a badass. I love to read the newspaper and write postcards and I love old fashioned and vintage looking stuff. People say I have a good taste in things and style for things. They always compliment me on how my home looks. Bold colours and stylish prints are my thing, just like vintage / old fashioned looking furniture but with modern twists. I wouldn't call myself edgy in style, but I have open minded beliefs about people and the world. Still I think this world would be a better place if people would behave better and take on life more easy. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.    

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