vrijdag 16 juli 2021

Good evening at the 16th off July, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cold and gloomy outside, but inside it was warm and hot. The heath is still in the buildings and I decided to put on my fan the entire afternoon to break the heath. So far it worked. 


I have been finishing my dishes and my kitchen and my living room looks tidy and it looks like there is more space since I decided to give it more visual space by putting stuff in my storage and throwing away unwanted stuff. It's more to my liking now. I don't know if I can keep up with cleaning my spaces all the time. Probably not if I need to be on heavier medication. With lower medication- I can take on more appearently. 

I happen to have no Corona, luckily- I'm vaccined and probably immune by now but you can't be too certain about things. I have been taking my quarter off a Lorazepame this evening. I suspect it to lighten things up. I feel so much better, in and out, with less off it. That's exactly what we need: Air, light, space to breathe- to lighten our spirits instead off feeling heavy hearted. The entire country could use it. I'm thinking off eggwhites being beaten to meringue and then folded into a cake batter to lighten up the cake when it's baked. Adjust some space to breathe more freely into your lives- I suspect 2022 could use it after what's happened the period ahead to it. Let's hope it does. 

Light and fresh air aren't something superficial. You could take it with a kind heart and brighten up the environment around you with good things instead off taking it to superficialness. Being brightned is just what the world needs. I hope that will happen and it will work for all those depressed people who feel so bad all the time. We all need more off a purpose in our lives I believe. 

Maybe I adjusted my personal foamed eggwhites by tidying up my room and feeling more light and air to breathe myself. It's probably hard to believe for those out there who dwell in the negative. But the good is always a good idea. I hope my depression will stay away after holding on to this. The last thing I need it to is to come back. Sometimes the positive is unbearable for negative thinkers. Sometimes it's Good to outshine the enemy by being positive enough to make them bend for you. It's a trait you can have. I don't know how I'm going to feel tomorrow about life. But I feel somewhat better after to have mourned a moment today. I took a moment to actually cry and it lightned up. I don't know if I'm going to keep up with this. Tomorrow will be for an exposition. I hope the Social Neighbourhood Team took art from their clients to expose for people to see. That could be interesting and give something special to an otherwise common Saturday. Working my way out off depression is not as hard as I thought. But I need the capability to set myself to action instead off being burried under medication. I'm going to make work off myself tomorrow and give my looks a boost with soft make-up and a light nailpolish. Just for myself, just for the sake off working myself out off gloom and darkness. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you all for reading. 

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