zaterdag 10 juli 2021

Good evening at the 10th off July, 2021.

 Good evening everyone. 

It's cloudy yet warm, your average type off swamp weather. It's close to coold but it feels brotheling warm outside so it's something that can make people moody. It's no summer weather in general- But for the Netherlands, it's something average. 


I still don't have access to my bank account. I paid my groceries last week with cash but I have to work with what I have on stock this weekend. What do people do when they are low on money and there mainly is little to do during an average weekend? Here's what I did: 

I selected some spices and made a cookies-and pie spice mix. (In het Nederlands: Koek-en-speculaaskruiden)  It can be used for diffrent sweet bakings and it was one off those things I still had on hand. Several spices in my kitchen. The smell off it is divine and I'm glad I did something in the kitchen. I also made a middle eastern cake with pecannuts and dates and I loved baking it. They don't want me to bake a lot anymore- but this was an emergency bake because I felt so down I just had to. The moodyness faded and today I feel a bit better than the last days before. -Much better- to be buisy with my hobby again. Tomorrow I will post some pictures off my date cake. I ate all left over dates and felt they tasted so incredibly delicious. I've read up on their benefits but also found out you should eat them in moderation because they are healthy but high in calories. I just can't help but loving the taste off dates. It helped me to overcome my moodyness today. Food saves the day often for me.

Due to the type off weather, I sensed these spices are going to be needed the next period off time. These spices are the best when the weather is cold and rainy. It's no winter yet, but I think you know what I mean- spices are a great solution for the worst moodyness sometimes. At least they where to me by making them. I think next season will be perfect for trying to bake a pumpkinpie for the first time. I never tried to do so. It's a good thing to feel inspired again. I've read you can replace sugar in bakings by date paste. It's healthier than sugar and something tells me I want to try that- parts off a baking replaced by it. I hope it will taste good. 

I had the perfect opportunity to shower yesterday and I'm clean today except for my face. It's sometimes a bit hard to skip to a new beauty routine and stay on it. I'm pricked by several mosquitoes this week, I believe they shouldn't like my blood since I'm on heavy medication and most mosquitoes can be poisioned by that comparing myself to blood without meds. I just believe they are not smart enough to skip me from their diet. Mosquitoes are not very smart about that, but how to explain to them I'm on meds? I suppose they have to learn the hard way. 

Today was for home made pizza at de Boed. Good food can enhance my mood like nothing else can. Without it, life would be too much to take and I'm not over-acting on it. Tiredness fades when I'm doing my hobby. 

I have a painfull neck. I've probably slept wrong or something else like dark magic has came across it. I believe in dark magic because I know it's something that's there but it's not possible to prove anything off it. Tomorrow will be a good day, I have something to look forward to when I'm about to share my date cake with people at de Boed during coffee time. Sunday afternoon will see a cake again. I know it's best not to share one every week, or multiple times a week like I used to, but every once in a while I feel it's urgent to bake and make people enjoy it.

Allright, that's about it- 
Thank you for reading.   

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