woensdag 7 juli 2021

Hector the ladybug has been naughty

 Good evening everyone, 

It's truly sunny out here with here and there a cloud. It's better weather than it has been the previous days but it's not true summer weather. 


I have skipped a menstruation period. I feel a bit uneasy about it but periods are a subject women should talk about more freely since it's perfectly normal and health related though it might come off as gross to sensitive souls. Women should be liberated to talk about health issues about that subject. Not only with their doctors. 

I can't be pregnant and who might have done so if I was? Hector the ladybug? I haven't been with a man at all in my entire life so it's not as if I'm knocked up and Hector has his moments but he's imaginative. So bad luck for him if I would be at this moment. But he's not real. Nothing can happen from that. I suppose it's a health issue, or maybe stress even and bad luck for me. Ladybugs are better not to be cursed if they're some sort off a fairy-like creature. Like I told you, he could be some sort off a tuatha dé danann. But that still means he's not physically present in my life. I could be overly speculating on that, but it's probably a health issue and not Hector the ladybug. 

I have had issues with it before. I have PCOS and it was common for me to bleed irregulairly and have periods left out at times. Onto General Practice again. Sometimes it works for me to keep my mouth shut. But General Practice hasn't been very helpfull the previous time, I don't know what they could do for me now. Or maybe it's just waiting untill it happens. A woman's body can be unpredictable at times. I hope Hector the ladybug won't be offended by the title off this blog. He's a bit moody at times at me but I don't want to set off a small spirit that might or might not excist. 

Sometimes I think I should have my own film with Johnny Depp in one off the mainroles. Somewhere where he can be a mad role for a story about a woman in her 20's in psychiatric health care. I don't have a crush on him like some women do have, but I think he's the right actor for this madness. It should be called 'Prountoupaloup.' And maybe he could be a mad, over-acting Vana Events villain in this. Vana still sits on their hands not to react on this while on the other hand they spread lies about 'Silence speaks more than words.' Oh, the corruptness- I don't listen to it. I speak my own words about this unfairness. I refuse to be silenced. 

I believe a cute alien geek would complain all the time about me to have been rude and mean online for a while. I don't want a man at this moment and especially not a man who complains a lot. I think the blonde alien geek with glasses doesn't excist or is somewhat off a downer in real life. And maybe his handsome friend has turned a bit old by now. I'm not in love but sometimes they cross my mind and I know they are based on real people. I just don't know who they are. Aliens, the crew to 'Prountoupaloup' and small ladybug spirits could be easily grossed out by tales about women's periods. I should talk this over with a care-taker once I'm home again. Though I still think health issues should be talked over more freely.  

I could tell you something positive. Today's cucumber soup for Wednesday Soup was received well by people who had it. They liked my soup. I have people asking for my soup each week. 'Will there be soup this week? What soup are we going to have? Will there still be soup on tuersday?' (There are plenty off people who have a left over off the soup at tuersday. It's well received on both days.) Next week's soup still has to be thought out. What soup will I make and how will I make it? The rise, the eating, the fall- you have to be there to believe it. And that every week. Madness helps me be creative better. That also counts for preparing good soup. It improves with my inspiration. I'm exhausted, but I'm proud for keeping up with medication enlowering for about two weeks now. It's heavy and it's hard. - But I'm going to do this. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.       

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