vrijdag 2 juli 2021

Good evening at the 2th off July, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

The sky is completely clear, the sun is out and I even had to use my sunscreen this evening. It's not a bad type off weather if there would be a full moon out this day but the next full moon will be at the 24th off July. The moon and the stars would be a nice vieuw this evening but I have no chance to see both alltogheter tonight. 


It's told people with anxiety and depression issues suffer from pimple increasing. My skin is bad these days. I hate pimples as I can't stand to have bad skin. I try to take good care off it most off the time. 

I'm battleing medicine decreasing. It's hard, but it should be possible if life keeps on being easy. I feel better in mind without too many medication. My mind isn't necessairily better with more meds, but I feel more burried under it when it's a lot. I hope I can stand it and don't need too much off it anymore. Life can be so unfair sometimes. I try to keep on holding my head up high and not being bended by it too much. 

Silence speaks more than words- but sometimes it's also an easy fence to hide behind if you have nothing smart to say in return. I'm not listening anyway, and sometimes it takes a bear to make them clear to speak up again. Hypocrit? Yes, I thought so. Vana will have a bear as their wickerbeast this year and it's entire description is something I already do. Bears are one off my favourite animals. I keep on seeing them around me a lot. Bears are cool with me. No more hypocrisy on having me as their scapegoat in them. That was filthy fighting. It was far below the belt and I didn't like it. Why putting up wickerbeasts while you can't even discuss what's going on towards me? It's been a bridge too far and I won't be seen there anymore as it's too much for me now. All I have left to do is indulge in OMNIA songs- I still love that band. I can safely do so since they're also on Vana's bad side. Castlefest is not as much as a party as it was back in the good days off paganism. All they seem to do now is play loud music and drink alcohol like crazy. It's become vulgair, too hyped, too much off a vulgair pub for commoners at night and too loud and obnoxious for real people nowadays. I have nothing to look for there anymore if this is what they're after: Stone cold commerce. It lacks nice atmosphere at the event nowadays and it's too crowded and the staff has become too bigotted and sexist for me to wish to come back. I can't recommend that place to strangers. 

Never listen to people who think they can put up a show to silence you.

Omnia should try to hold an event themselves. Back with the atmosphere, out with the commerce on fake paganism. If they would do so, maybe they can try it around my birthday- the 5th off august. I believe they can try to compete with Vana once it's on and it's become a good event worthy the fight. I could use an event like that. I want to dance to good music and feel I'm alive again one day. No sexist macho's - Just warm and sweet pagans. It takes something to stick to your own path nowadays. Vana is just as bad as the Russians when it comes to keeping up appearances. Moscow could learn from their techniques on taring me and trying to be the better hand in this fight. It's just that it's been too unfair what they try to put up with. I'm a freedom fighter on the internet. I won't be silenced by it. It's what heroes with a weblog all over the world try to do. JUSTICE! That's what I've been after all along. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.       

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