woensdag 7 juli 2021

Good evening at the 7th off July, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

This evening it's sunny and bright outside. It's showing as if it's beginning to cheer for summer but let's not be too positive about that. It's still too damp and cloudy here and there to do so. 


Wednesday Soup was for cucumber soup with a lot off green herbs in it. It was a great taste and I had a lot off people liking it. Cucumber soup isn't something common and fresh cucumbers are delicious but not a basic ingredient for soup in this country. It was worthit the try however. Cucumber alongside some zuchinni's to help it and dragon, an entire jar off Italian herbs, an entire small jar off dill and some fresh basil was defenetely a good idea. 

I am visiting my family this evening for a suprise and so far everything goes fine. I love my family and I feel it's not much off a nice thing to speak bad off them on here. I cherish the ones I still have. I helped mom preparing a salad and I had no complaints about being too slow from her, luckily. Every day chores in the kitchen like preparing an every day salad feels like it's a good thing to do and it's nice to do. Sometimes we need just tomatoes and cucumbers in our lives to feel a bit better. And they're a good idea, nevertless- because they're healthy for most people. I adjusted a lot off ghürkins, apples, eggs and some herb dressing. Nothing more than that but sometimes so satisfying to make when you feel dark and numb. I stick to my point: Making yourself off use for people makes you feel less empty in life. Even if it's something small.   

I feel so incredibly tired all the time. I started taking more vitamin D but still- I'm low on energy. I keep on trying with vegetables and fruits to regain a bit off energy but it's hard for me to maintain a healthy energy level. So we have a salad, brocoli, fish from the oven and potato rösti this evening. I feel spoiled by it. Mom has a relaxed tempo on living her life. I have a cool mom who might not understand but who tries her best. Tomorrow I'll head home. If I had the choice between a man and sleeping well every night I'd choose the last. I would be so much better off if I'd finally rest a bit better. And sometimes small things are to cheer for. Be happy with what you've got and don't act spoiled. It's sometimes so honorable to do so. 

I wish I could sleep well and feel energetic again for my entire life. Sometimes it's those medicines I have to take. I have to take them my entire life so I won't be dangerous or incredibly crazy. With meds I'm a faded version off myself though I try looking my best still. Life with medication is hard but without it it would be impossible. I have to flip every euro since I live on governmental wages and I have gained an incredible lot off weight over the past years. I'm a faded version off myself these hard and painfull years- due to heartbreak it has worsened a few years ago. I'm finally making steps to get over with that. Life is hard for me. But I keep on trying. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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