zondag 4 juli 2021

Good evening at the 4th off July, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

It rains outside and it has been cloudy all day today. It's gloomy weather so far. 


Today was for sitting my time out at de Boed and just wait untill nothing happens. It was a boring day. We had pancakes for dinner and I had an ice cream cone (strawberry flavoured) for dessert. It was no day to feel low on money. 

I wish to hang on a more possitive attitude on this weblog. No complaining about past enemies. I still hate them terribly but I know there can't be anything done about it. I could blog on and on about them but it's not off use. I might be hard headed, but do they posess this quality themselves, oh yes. They aren't any better than me. 

Today the time went by slowly and boring. Not much off a good day and I've slept awfully this night. I have that often after a weblog about my enemies. I'm afraid they might jinx me and destroy me and my good plans for the upcoming time when I post it on the internet. I have no trust in them whatsoever. Still, I feel like picking up my weapons and fight. If I wouldn't defend myself- nobody else would do so against nasty gossip and mean and nasty actions. I need to express an opinion off my own on here. It would not be fair in this fight if I wouldn't have any and become a victim to them. That's no option to me. Bad sleep out off deep rooted fears is terrible. 

Fears are one off the biggest sources to my delusions. If I knew how to fear the enemy less, I would do much better. The Russians could learn from them. But I wish to publish something positive today. Not to dwell into hate and mean thoughts. I'm not mean by nature. That's a mistake people often make. It's just that in a fight with other people, people often don't see your best side. It makes so much off an ilusion to those who wish to think low off you. That's how it's always been. 

I believe I better make my next blog all about positivity and niceness for the world, as this blog doesn't go anywhere in that field. I'm sorry people. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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