vrijdag 30 juli 2021

An attemps to be positive today

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's rainy outside. There are big rainfalls today and it looks depressing. It feels as if autumn is already here without it to have ever been summer this year. 


I wish to say something positive on this weblog after my rant yesterday. What positivity is there to be found in days like these? I decided on to go to the Zaandam market tomorrow in the city's centre. I wish to buy a few plums and other fresh fruits and continue my journey to healthy eating. Good fruits are in season and I can recommend everyone to eat them for their health. It's also a nice day tomorrow for fresh tomato soup, I don't know what kind off day tomorrow will be,- but fresh tomato soup my style is a perfect idea, aside to some baked fruits like written in my new Jamie Oliver book. Sometimes joy is to be found in such simple plans. It doesn't always take a lot to put a smile on your face again. Tomorrow it will be Saturday and I can reccomend most off my readers to visit a good local market and try fresh fruits and vegetables for their next meal. It gives a nice fill in for a day like that -markets aren't forbidden due to Corona laws, and they are probably everywhere in a lot off city's and villages- 

Dutch markets for foods and other common supplies are cozy and nice to go to. I loved visiting the local market off Zaandam every Thursday when I still lived near and had time for that. My advise to people who are capble to: Get yourself out on the street and try it. Who knows what bargain awaits you.  

Positivity, I should write something positive on this weblog. I feel a bit better to have eaten more fruits, nuts and green tea this week. Or is that just my imagination? Maybe I feel better by skipping de Boed every often and allowing myself to sleep a little more- either way, it benefits health and it does well for my mood. What positivity is in today? We could also be glad there is rain as it does well for vegetation. I'm glad the plants won't dry out this way and are capable to grow more. It's probably going to be perfect for apples and pears this year. And as they say: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But I'm not certain if that is true. Sometimes thinking positive is giving a positive twist to something that's seen as negative. Tomorrow is a good day for buying plums, or apricots. Or peaches if I find them good looking. I just don't know if I can get people positive by the promise off good apples this year when they dwell in the negative. Sometimes people aren't open for such ideas and rather need the idea there will be a new game published for a device they can play all winter. But that's not my cup off tea. I'm not much off a games person, I don't even play candy crush saga as I think it's a waste off time and it's dangerous for people to get addicted to such games. 

I rather think off making applepies, or apples out off the oven. It's one off the most easy desserts: cut baking apples into pieces, place in a greased oven dish (Don't forget to remove centres) spice (With cinnamon, kardemon, star anise, ground cloves and nutmeg) and sugar them to your taste and then place in a preheated 180 degrees celsius oven for about half an hour. It's perfect with yoghurt or quark if you want to keep it healthy. It was one off my favourite desserts previous year when we had to stay in all the time due to Corona. To make them even better, you can adjust a few dices off butter before baking. It's applepie filling at it's best and the butter doesn't make it healthy, but -yum-.  I made it a lot when we had to stay at home all the time. I can recommend a squeeze off honey or lemon juice extra if you have that on hand, but you can see for yourselves. 

Apple season probably will be a good one this year. It's a waste not to eat fresh Dutch apples when you can have them affordable in your local stores. Looking forward to apples makes me feel positive. Fruits are a good fill in off time. As I might say so. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 


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