maandag 30 augustus 2021

Good afternoon at the 30th off August 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today, at summer's end, it's finally warm and sunny and it's predicted that the entire week will be like this. It was too warm outside for a coat. It's not truly summer, but it's warm. Autumn is in the air, but it's sunny. 


A fruitcake, dusted with powdered sugar and gone yesterday but still - Picture worthy- 

A blue painting with a gold motive not worthit the fights it causes, 

And three rocks with the same idea. All off these should not cause an atmosphere off fights, but they did every day I was onto them. It's pretty weird, huh? The rocks have several shades off blue and a shade off light green, blended into each other and messy golden dots on top. I remember being onto it a bit loud and a care-taker asking me if I was allright while overthinking out loud what was on my mind. I don't know what to do with these for now. They're fun to make and I would like to make a several more. I hope de Boed will be more calm when I'm onto my next art projects. 

Today was for grocery shopping. I decided to go to a supermarket off the route, I went to one I go to sometimes when I don't feel like going with the others in the van. It's quite a bus ride ahead to where I live and it's a small supermarket in a small mall, but it's cheap and it has a nice lunchroom on the ground floor and a drugstore I also entered. I had my groceries and drugstore supplies, and a nice lunch in the cafe, and then went back home. Today has been exhausting as it was, doing all that. For some people it's not much, for me, it's enough for a monday.   

Tomorrow will be for a bloodtest. I lack even more energy than usuall today so it seems. I have called off my job tomorrow for that bloodtest, so I can take it easy the entire day. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.       

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